Dana White Urges Winner of Jon Jones vs. Stipe Miocic to Fight Tom Aspinall

I don't think Jones takes the fight if he wims. He barely fights anymore and doesn't seem to take risks. I barely remember any times I legit thought he could lose. Biggest threat matchup was DC, but he was sauced up for that. He ducked Frank until Frank went for the money and Dana tried flipping the script to say Frank was ducking (sad and untrue).

Stipe is way too old and way too washed to beat Jones IMO, but if he pulls it off I could see him fighting Tom. He SHOULD retire win or lose, but Stipe seems to not mind going out on his shield.

I think both guys get rinsed by Tom. He's a natural heavyweight, young, big, fast, and approaching his prime. Jones has a better shot of beating him but guys with good handspeed and length have given him problems before like Reyes, and I think hes a bit older and slower and Tom is a much better fighter than prime Reyes.
Winner of Stipe vs Jon retires; loser of stipe vs Jon retires. Tom fights Gane and a year of his career is wasted

Winner of Stipe vs Jon retires; loser of stipe vs Jon retires. Tom fights Gane and a year of his career is wasted
Dunno why Jones thinks it's so important to fight Stipe, guy his way past his prime and pretty much retired. He's 41 and hasn't fought in 3 years and his last fight he got KO'd. Like what's so glorious about fighting him? He might as well ask to fight randy couture.

He's ducked Ngannou and now he's ducking Aspinall, but people call him the GOAT, just lol.
So Dana didn't want to strip Jones, didn't want to make Jones face the interim champion, and wanted this "legacy" fight regardless of who thought what about it. Now he wants the winner to unify the belt???

The unification should have come before the "legacy" fight, and it is fucking absurd that Dana is trying to paint this fight as if it is of great importance. It is literally a means to put Jones over at Miocic's expense. The fight would have meant something 5 years ago. Holding up the HW division, for a fight where one or both fighters are very likely to retire afterwards is beyond stupid.

If the UFC figurehead doesn't even take his own interim belt as serious or legitimate, why even create one in the first place? Tom might as well throw his fucking belt in the River Irwell, clearly it is meaningless.
If they simultaneously retire, the UFC will be incapable of coming back from the seeming illegitimate status of their HW belt, all down to a manic need to please Bones' ego.
Pathetic really. Injured champs should auto vacate if they can't defend every 9 months at least.
Enough holding divisions up.
I mean what makes the belt Jones have legitimate right now? He beat the guy the last champion beat. Aspinall's belt is more legitimate than Jones' is, at least Aspinall has more than 1 win at HW and he beat the HW on the longest winning streak.
Utterly pointless in having Stipe fight any of these guys. He would get demolished, he's too old, etc.

Jones, however, there is a point. He hasn't beaten a heavyweight champion to win this belt, he hasn't proven he's a real heavyweight champ. Beating Stipe won't do it either.

If Jones doesn't at least beat Aspinall, his second title is essentially meaningless.
So Dana didn't want to strip Jones, didn't want to make Jones face the interim champion, and wanted this "legacy" fight regardless of who thought what about it. Now he wants the winner to unify the belt???

The unification should have come before the "legacy" fight, and it is fucking absurd that Dana is trying to paint this fight as if it is of great importance. It is literally a means to put Jones over at Miocic's expense. The fight would have meant something 5 years ago. Holding up the HW division, for a fight where one or both fighters are very likely to retire afterwards is beyond stupid.

If the UFC figurehead doesn't even take his own interim belt as serious or legitimate, why even create one in the first place? Tom might as well throw his fucking belt in the River Irwell, clearly it is meaningless.
What else is crazy? This superfight may never even happen. Both are highly inactive fighters, Jones body is crumbling apart after years of abusing steroids, and Stipe is nothing short of decrepit. Not to mention, there's so many excuses available for them to avoid each other, as it has been for several years now.

And we're expected to make all these top contenders hold up and wait for this shitshow to wipe its own ass? No way. Hopefully the pressure opposing all this wins on behalf of the fans and they get Jones to relinquish the belt.
Dana White urges… lol


fuck bones and Stipe, Dana should create a Grandpa Division for these guys


Dana needs to prove he can close these mega fights.

No Jones vs Aspinall and we riot!

Aspinall would probably be willing to fight them both on the same card.

I mean what makes the belt Jones have legitimate right now? He beat the guy the last champion beat. Aspinall's belt is more legitimate than Jones' is, at least Aspinall has more than 1 win at HW and he beat the HW on the longest winning streak.
The REAL Champ? Sherdog Peoples Champ?

I can never listen to that Bone track, cuz it reminds me of an old high school friend who took his life
Bone is the shit tho, love this harmony rap shit
Try this one Sherbro

Do you really think that Jones thinks a dominant win over an old retired guy who hasn't won in years is going to give him a good chance against Aspinall? Jones isn't that dumb, he's just hoping you are. It's a lie, it's bullshit.
I don't think it will be a likely course of events, but don't rule it out either. Never underestimate the power of the ego. It's caused a huge swath of fighters to take unnecessary brain damage; it happens more often than not with great champions; it can be hard to let go. We have two presidential candidates that both need to let it go, so it goes to the highest levels.
I mean what makes the belt Jones have legitimate right now? He beat the guy the last champion beat. Aspinall's belt is more legitimate than Jones' is, at least Aspinall has more than 1 win at HW and he beat the HW on the longest winning streak.
I agree that Tom's is more legitimate, but at the very least if Tom beats Jon, they can argue that that is the real HW champion. That's best case scenario.
Worst case scenario is Stipe beats Jon and the belt is an actual joke from that point until the lineal champ is back in the UFC, which doesn't seem like a likely scenario. I don't see Fereira KOing Ngannou and signing with the UFC.
Dana: "Hey guys...it will be really super if one of you could fight Tom after this charade of a HW title fight!"

Jones: "Fuck yo momma"

Dana: "OK...just sayin, y'know"
White has never been able to force Jones to do anything. Jones calls the shots to this day. That's why Dana hates him, look back at those old hilarious phone messages where he calls Jon a scumbag repeatedly.