Crypto Megathread v36 - BITCOIN HITS ALL-TIME HIGH — Why didn’t you listen?

Do any of you guys go in big and take some short term gains? Like today my portfolio went up 6% - I'm thinking of putting $50k in and trying to catch the dips for some "quick gains". I know it's risk but I'd set hard limits on losses and gains.

And I'd only trade during my awake hours so I don't get caught with my pants down overnight. I believe Ledger Live lets me set up stop losses as well.
Bad idea. If you're talking about trading on ledger live, respectfully, you are in no way ready for that sort of risk.

You can trade cex, dex 1:1 or perp, but don't fool yourself you are going to win. Every single metric is against you unless you're an expert and disciplined trader.

Just don't so it without a shit load more research and discipline my bro
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Sol back to 200 by June imo
I decided to sell in May and go away. 50 percent of my crypto is now earning apy in USDC. Mostly profit that made. But I did leave everything I had in sol. The first thing I'm going to buy back into is Sol once we go back into the 130s.

Then I'm going to decide how I'm going to reallocate come the fall if fed pivots. We had our big run up because of ETF inflow... But I think we have wait for a blow off top until the fed loosens monetary policy.
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Self created to describe me (bought just a bit during the crypto winter). At least I didn't ape in when BTC was over $70k

I was in the war room version of this thread saying it was a bad time to buy when it was in the high 60s. I had a bunch of crypto Bros insult me and then predict that it would be 100-150k by April.
I was in the war room version of this thread saying it was a bad time to buy when it was in the high 60s. I had a bunch of crypto Bros insult me and then predict that it would be 100-150k by April.
I thought 80k in April was possible but underestimated the GBTC dump.

100k by October seems like a good target.
BTC and ETH for security, sol if you wanna YOLO it. I’m personally gonna do 25/25 eth and btc then 50% sol till next spring or summer prob. Will stake my ETH and sol during that span too. I’m trying to put myself in a position to retire at the next bull run lol.
still holding the Shinobi coin?
God dammit why is Sol the only thing going up right now!!!

I guess I might have to wait it pulls back regardless of where it's at to throw money into it

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