Conor loss to nate diaz aged poorly


Orange Belt
Apr 14, 2019
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Conor had an amazing run until he fought Nate Diaz, then he gassed out and lost to one of the worst fighters in the entire UFC roster nate diaz. Looking back, that loss really stamped Conors actual skill level in the UFC, which he wasn't super good. He was a B tier fighter at most, he would lose to guys like Khabib most times and guys like Porier are better than him as well. Now we have Conor fighting a "Bellator Tick" who's like 1-3 in the UFC, should be interesting to see a Bellator level fight in the UFC.<lol>
Conor had an amazing run until he fought Nate Diaz, then he gassed out and lost to one of the worst fighters in the entire UFC roster nate diaz. Looking back, that loss really stamped Conors actual skill level in the UFC, which he wasn't super good. He was a B tier fighter at most, he would lose to guys like Khabib most times and guys like Porier are better than him as well. Now we have Conor fighting a "Bellator Tick" who's like 1-3 in the UFC, should be interesting to see a Bellator level fight in the UFC.<lol>

This is bait,

We get it.... You love Conor. We do also.;
Conor had an amazing run until he fought Nate Diaz, then he gassed out and lost to one of the worst fighters in the entire UFC roster nate diaz. Looking back, that loss really stamped Conors actual skill level in the UFC, which he wasn't super good. He was a B tier fighter at most, he would lose to guys like Khabib most times and guys like Porier are better than him as well. Now we have Conor fighting a "Bellator Tick" who's like 1-3 in the UFC, should be interesting to see a Bellator level fight in the UFC.<lol>

It hasn't aged at all, Nate wasn't a top 5 guy before or after the Conor fights. It hurt Conor's stock at the time and nothing has really changed.
It hasn't aged at all, Nate wasn't a top 5 guy before or after the Conor fights. It hurt Conor's stock at the time and nothing has really changed.
Nate was in fact #5 in the first fight, and #4 in the 2nd.

I'd call this revionist history, but you probably weren't even around to know that in the first place.
Nate went on to once again competitively fight Conor in the rematch, then easily beat Pettis in his next fight 3 years later.

Pettis who was coming off almost ending Tony's streak and KOing Wonderboy.

Nice try though.
Nate was in fact #5 in the first fight, and #4 in the 2nd.

I'd call this revionist history, but you probably weren't even around to know that in the first place.

Actually he was #6. Nice try though.
Nate went on to once again competitively fight Conor in the rematch, then easily beat Pettis in his next fight 3 years later.

Pettis who was coming off almost ending Tony's streak and KOing Wonderboy.

Nice try though.

3 years later. There it is.

Nate could have potentially taken advantage of the Conor fights to do something in the sport but instead he sat out for 3 years. He wasn't a contender before or after the fight. Conor's loss to Nate hasn't aged one way or another because Nate didn't do shit afterwards.
Conor panic wrestled only to get his head ground jabbed into the RNC, was a thing of beauty… Cabo Nate performed up to his peak abilities and didn’t let silliness get between him and the W.

I bet you have a poster of Conor on the ceiling above your race car bed so Conor can smile down upon you while you sleep. I bet you say a prayer to Conor before you shut your useless eyes and dream of Conor using you as a sock puppet.
I'm not surprised.