Law CIA Officer Admits To Undercover Journalist That FBI Agents Attended January 6 Protest At Capitol


Jan 17, 2020
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CIA Officer Admits To Undercover Journalist That FBI Agents Attended January 6 Protest At Capitol​

When asked if the public will ever find out, the officer responded, "Nope. And they probably never will."

An official with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) told an undercover journalist that members of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) were in attendance at the protests at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, and also highlighted methods that intelligence agencies use to disempower political opponents.

Gavin O’Blennis, a self-proclaimed Contracting Officer for the CIA and former member of the FBI, was caught on camera by an undercover journalist with Sound Investigations as he discussed January 6. O’Blennis claimed that former President Donald Trump incited a riot before going on to say that roughly 20 undercover FBI agents were in the crowd.

“I thought you said that there were FBI agents in the crowd at J6?” the undercover journalist asked O’Blennis.

“There are, there always are when there’s a big protest in DC, just in case it gets out of hand like that,” he responded before going on to say “There wasn’t enough to turn that tide.”

“I’m talking we maybe had 20. You needed 1,000 to get rid of that crowd,” he said. “Just to go through, to observe, to see what they can hear, you know that kind of thing.” The video also shows O’Blennis affirming that the FBI didn’t want the public to know that they had agents embedded in the crowd and saying that he personally knows agents who were in attendance. “They work for the Agency now,” he said about the former FBI agents, referencing the CIA.

“Do people know that the Bureau was in the crowd?” the undercover Sound Investigations journalist asked, with O’Blennis responding, “Nope, and they probably never will.”

FBI Director Christopher Wray previously stated in a Congressional hearing concerning January 6th that he was “not sure there were undercover agents on scene,”
doubling down in an answer to Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) and saying. “I do not believe that there were undercover agents on scene.”

In the video, O’Blennis went on to detail various different tactics that the intelligence community uses against those it perceives to be their political opponents.

“You can kinda put anyone in jail if you know what to do … You set ‘em up,” he remarked to the undercover journalist. “You create the situation where they have no choice but to act on their impulse, and once they act on that impulse, some would call that entrapment.”

“Does the Bureau practice entrapment a lot?” the undercover journalist asked. “We get really close … we get as close as we can,” O’Blennis stated before going into greater detail on the methods that the intelligence agency allegedly uses on members of the American public.

“You put a post out there or you have some fake profile say something that triggers, that we know is going to trigger them, right?” O’Blennis stated. “Like we already know your history. If we’re at that point we already know everything about you. So we’re like ‘Oh this will piss him off.’ Sometimes you just light the fuse and wait for it to follow.”

“Nothing like putting out a fake social media thing to like really get people mad,” O’Blennis stated, also highlighting Alex Jones as one target of the intelligence community. “We were after him hardcore,” he said of Jones.

“Are you still after him?” the undercover journalist asked, with O’Blennis answering, “No … because he’s broke. He got found guilty and had to pay like a hundred million dollars.” The journalist went on to ask whether the “goal” was to “bankrupt him,” and O’Blennis responded, “pretty much.”

The undercover journalist also asked if the families of the Sandy Hook Shooting victims were encouraged to sue Jones by the FBI for defamation, with O’Blennis explaining how they nudge people into making certain decisions. “We don’t encourage people,” he said. “We just say ‘there’s no federal statute being broken but you have the option for a civil case and it’s a pretty good case in our opinion.’”

“There’s nothing federally we can do … but civilly you can go at him that way and chop his legs off,” O’Blennis added. “We did what we wanted … took his money away. We shut him up for a while.”

jones plans on suing CIA and FBI
“You can kinda put anyone in jail if you know what to do … You set ‘em up,” he remarked to the undercover journalist. “You create the situation where they have no choice but to act on their impulse, and once they act on that impulse, some would call that entrapment.”
Solid third world police system.
How is this new information. We know. And if the FBI didn’t attend the insurgents would somehow still have been on their radar.
We already know the FBI/CIA is behind events groups like the Proud Boys and events like Jan 6. Just look at Enrique Tarrio for crying out loud. He's a confirmed FBI agent:

Federal prosecutors reveal Proud Boys witness was informant​

feds being at the capitol and even playing a role in inciting the chaos doesnt surprise me in the slightest. Ive figured that was the case all along. However, comments like "you can put anyone in jail if you know what to set them up" should lead to an investigation of this individual.
I have no dog in this fight but
"Gavin O’Blennis, a self-proclaimed Contracting Officer for the CIA and former member of the FBI,"

I also work for the CIA and I never heard of this guy.
We already know the FBI/CIA is behind events groups like the Proud Boys and events like Jan 6. Just look at Enrique Tarrio for crying out loud. He's a confirmed FBI agent:

Federal prosecutors reveal Proud Boys witness was informant​

Ah yes, it was the FBI that forced those people to spread human feces on the Capital Building walls. It was the Feds that forced Riley Williams to steal a laptop from Pelosi's office. It was the Feds who forced Guy Reffitt to bring a hand gun and handcuffs to the Capital Building. It was the Feds that forced Albuquerque Head to drag a police officer into a mob so they could continue to beat him. It was the Feds that forced Robert Palmer to throw a fire extinguisher at police. It was the Feds that forced Devlyn Thompson to beat a police officer with a metal pipe and throw a speaker at the police. It was the Feds that forced Lonnie Coffman to drive all the way from Alabama with a truck loaded with a small arsenal of molotov cocktails, a 9mm handgun, a rifle, a shotgun, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, large-capacity ammunition feeding devices, a crossbow with bolts, machetes, camouflage smoke detectors and gas-filled Mason jars used to make napalm (a kind of homemade bomb). It was the Feds that forced Scott Fairlamb to punch a police officer in the face.
This list could go on and on, over 1000 people have been charged.

If anything, the actions of the people on January 6th proved that the Feds need to be keeping a closer eye on this group.
Ah yes, it was the FBI that forced those people to spread human feces on the Capital Building walls. It was the Feds that forced Riley Williams to steal a laptop from Pelosi's office. It was the Feds who forced Guy Reffitt to bring a hand gun and handcuffs to the Capital Building. It was the Feds that forced Albuquerque Head to drag a police officer into a mob so they could continue to beat him. It was the Feds that forced Robert Palmer to throw a fire extinguisher at police. It was the Feds that forced Devlyn Thompson to beat a police officer with a metal pipe and throw a speaker at the police. It was the Feds that forced Lonnie Coffman to drive all the way from Alabama with a truck loaded with a small arsenal of molotov cocktails, a 9mm handgun, a rifle, a shotgun, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, large-capacity ammunition feeding devices, a crossbow with bolts, machetes, camouflage smoke detectors and gas-filled Mason jars used to make napalm (a kind of homemade bomb). It was the Feds that forced Scott Fairlamb to punch a police officer in the face.
This list could go on and on, over 1000 people have been charged.

If anything, the actions of the people on January 6th proved that the Feds need to be keeping a closer eye on this group.

The Feds, or CIA, was most likely behind all of that.


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