Chandler has now spent the majority of his UFC career waiting for Conor fight

Thread title is a blatant lie.

I doubt enough people will actually understand the rudimentary math required to understand that point
...which apparently includes ts.
Cokenor and Pink Pinnochio are waiting til Chandler is 50 years old and McG is 250 lbs roided up, following Road House 7.
Can’t wait for “Roadhouse 7: Highway to Heaven”

Edit: much less “Roadhouse 4: a Whore to Adore”
Kinda blows -- he has missed a lot of awesome potential fights waiting on Conor.
Chandler is thirsty for that red panty night. It’s gotten kind of sad reallyz
Not sure where you’re getting the 1 year 10 months figure, it’s been 1 year and 3 months. So no, he hasn’t been sitting out longer than he was active but damn it’s actually kind of close. Crazy that he he fought 5 times in less than 2 years, I guess if anything he deserved some time off lol.
Hey at least he’s finally got it signed so it wasn’t for nothing like many of us expected it would be. The pay day he’s getting likely to make it worth it regardless of the wait, or even if he loses the fight.
I bet you Chandler is getting 300K max for this fight