
Contra Mundum
Aug 31, 2002
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My body aches all over before, during and after a workout. From the aches of my feet to my shoulders. I think it's time for some CBD oil but I'm not sure what to order.

Any recommendations for brand or strains?

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Nuleaf naturals is the best brand by far.
Sourced in Colorado and tested thoroughly.
Very expensive though.
My body aches all over before, during and after a workout. From the aches of my feet to my shoulders. I think it's time for some CBD oil but I'm not sure what to order.

Any recommendations for brand or strains?


If you live in Canada....Spectrum Yellow Oil
Or any CBD oil by Cannafarms.
Get a good massage, when things open back up
Stuff is too expensive right now, hope it comes down in price. Supposed to be very good anti-inflammatory though, so great to use after training (or just in general.)
I know a lot of local BJJ guys that use it and swear by it.
It' not a panacea, but it has its merits.
The CBD oil helped me a lot after a car crash... I had terrible pain and only this helped me.
CBD oil is the real deal. Most of MMA fighters are using it. It is good for regeneration, it makes your sleep better, it is helping with epilepsia (I have it), and it has many others good efforts. I think you should take it for sure, I dont know which brand or strain but you will not regret taking it.
CBD oil is the real deal. Most of MMA fighters are using it. It is good for regeneration, it makes your sleep better, it is helping with epilepsia (I have it), and it has many others good efforts. I think you should take it for sure, I dont know which brand or strain but you will not regret taking it.

Have you tried curcuma ?

If so how is that comparable ?
I’ve tried many different brands of the oil and didn’t find they did much. Kana Swiss was the best.

Smoking however had much stronger, instant effects for me. I got one of those ready to vape pens with cbd liquid and used it the day after some heavy deads which left me with a sore lower back.

As soon as I had a couple of inhalations, the doms subsided. I was impressed.
I have found that CBD does provide some mild pain relief.
I find it also helps relax me and has calming effect.
Lazarus naturals is what I usually order.
this is a good place to start.

Don’t buy cheap cbd and wonder why it doesn’t work.
My experience with cbd is limited. I've tried the cheap stuff a couple times and not surprisingly felt nothing. I might give that Nuleaf Naturals a go. I would assume all those products you find at the gas station or grocery store are all junk.
CBD oil is the real deal. Most of MMA fighters are using it. It is good for regeneration, it makes your sleep better, it is helping with epilepsia (I have it), and it has many others good efforts. I think you should take it for sure, I dont know which brand or strain but you will not regret taking it.
It's not for everyone. Like any drug, some people can react differently. I don't take well to it at all, for example.

TS, I'm not saying don't try it--I did, but I wouldn't go buying some huge volume of it until you see if it works for you personally--for me it didn't.
I find it really helps with my knee pain. Don't go in thinking it is going to work like a pharma grade pain killer, but there is some relief. I use Lazarus Naturals brand. I mainly use their full spectrum CBD balms for specific area relief, and I take a 50mg full spectrum pill on a daily basis just for minor aches and relaxation. There are numerous discount codes you can find that get you 10-15% off as well.
You get what you pay for with CBD. Make sure its reviews are good and legit before buying. Having said that, there's only so much it can do. It helps but it won't bring you back from the dead either.
It definitively worth trying. I ordred a small sample to test it, and it worked on me
Don’t get ripped off by these companies... their entire business model is based off preying on people’s ignorance on the subject. They will take 20bucks wholesale worth of raw cbd flower and then turn it into a tincture and sell it for 60-80 bucks. Just buy the cbd flower and make the tincture yourself and save $$$!!

The same goes for THC edibles as well as cbd. Don’t buy a pot brownie for 20 bucks at the marijuana dispensary. Instead buy 20 bucks worth of raw pot and then make 10+ damn brownies yourself for the same price.

to give you an idea of how much they are ripping you off with these products... just do the simple math. An 8th oz of cbd flower should cost about 20 bucks. Let’s say it is 20 percent cbd.. that would be roughly 700 mg of cbd for about 20 bucks (8th oz =3500 mg. Multiplied by 20 percent=700)...now go look at cbd product prices. How much does a 700 mg cbd tincture cost? 50- 60 bucks? 80 bucks? 100 bucks?

Their markup for cooking raw flower into edibles and sublinguals is highway robbery. Making your own is the way to go
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I take it on the reg. The lotion is good on the knees and joints. I use it I Colorado with THC in it. But without it it’s ok, don’t expect anything groundbreaking though.

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