Can you really boost Testosterone from a supplement?


Common Sense Philosopher
Dec 26, 2010
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I apologize if this has been covered, I looked around but did not see anything

I am getting old and everywhere I look there are ads about boosting testosterone. I did some research and I see mixed reviews on every product out there.

Can you really take a supplement that actually boosts Testosterone or all they all junk science that say "it could" or "it can".

If so, which products are legit and which are garbage? Does anyone know the answer from experience?

Inquiring minds want to know
If by supplements you mean "food" or "nutrients", well...then, yes you can.

The point is nobody lives on supplements, people eat food. You know cholesterol, good fats...they are necessary in order to your balls to produce testosterone. And yada yada yada.

Following this line of thinking, then yes, suplementing with the correct nutrient would help to produce testosterone. That is, IF you absorb them in the first place. So...yeah.

But some magical stuff? i dont know i guess not. Not Tribulus or anything like that. Maca,ginseng, etc. No.Not.
It's just marketing by an unregulated industry that can say what it wants to seperate you from your money. The latest in snake oil, penis enlargement ("not just longer, thick too"), weight loss, look younger, be smarter stuff that comes from the stork.
An OTC supplement


it's a scam

you want something, then get the real stuff
You could live off eggs, goat milk, vegetable garden and one large animal culled every 6 months.

99% things you buy you don't need.

But if you would really like some good advice guaranteed to increase your chance of success, advice proven and based on scientific principles I might know of a book or two you could buy cheap.

They are full of best routines; diet, exercise and mind love. Mind love is newest technique to super increase and maximize your genetic potential.

Discovered by a elderly german archeologist in Tibet you too can experience warmth and hardness of spirit in your mind and loins.

It's mind love a guaranteed secret revealed for the first time. It will add that 3rd leg when two is just not enough. For ladies also, Patent Pending.
Do a combination of eating high protein, high natural fats
Vitamin D
High intensity exercise
I've seen mentions on vitamin D helping boost testosterone levels. The mention on vitamin D though can be confusing, confusing in that it is mentioned in conjunction with sun exposure. We of course obtain most of our vitamin D3 from sun exposure, but other healthy compounds are made too when our skin is exposed to the energy of UV rays.

You can read a little about that idea here, in this news paper article about a study done on the topic. Something of course to keep in mind is to avoid sun burns.

Sunbathing 'boosts men's sex drives': Testosterone levels rise with Vitamin D increase


"...The new findings back up previous research that found an hour of sunshine can boost a man's testosterone by 69 per cent.

Testosterone is the most important male sexual hormone. In males it is mainly responsible for the development of the sex organs, the formation and maintenance of the typical male sexual characteristics, sperm production and the controlling of male desire.

Stimulated by UV radiation, 90 per cent of vitamin D in the body is produced by the skin.

An average vitamin D level of 30 nanograms per millilitre of blood (30 ng/ml) represents the scientific value from which vitamin D has a sufficiently positive effect.

Optimal values are between 40 and 60 ng/ml. "

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I apologize if this has been covered, I looked around but did not see anything

I am getting old and everywhere I look there are ads about boosting testosterone. I did some research and I see mixed reviews on every product out there.

Can you really take a supplement that actually boosts Testosterone or all they all junk science that say "it could" or "it can".

If so, which products are legit and which are garbage? Does anyone know the answer from experience?

Inquiring minds want to know

From my personal experience obviously anabolics beat all...However DAA powder, vitamin d3 tablets and ZMA before bed leave me feeling great, recovering better and generally feeling like a mild dose of anabolics.
You wanna boost testosterone here are some easy things to help:

Oils in your diet, I try to chug a shot glass each, every day of coconut oil and olive oil (these are particularly helpful while cutting).

Brazil nuts.

Look into supps that block the conversion of test to estrogen (DIM is one, I'm sure there are more).

Lots of vitamin C, several thousand IU's per day.

Go on and do your research there on how to modify various hormone levels.

Plenty of reading material there.
I've never used TRT, so I can't compare, but SIXSTAR, Testosterone Booster seems to be effective. I'm not actually doing any levels testing, but I do notice increased energy.

I don't know how it works. It has some ginseng in it, but no caffeine. It is selling well; a lot of people like it.
Ive boosted mine with TRT and confirm it works lol
I'm going with the commentator who posted as a GNC manager. If anyone would use it to his advantage it would be him.
I'm going with the commentator who posted as a GNC manager. If anyone would use it to his advantage it would be him.
He’d be wrong . And no Iv e seen some pretty clueless guys who work at health stores . Listen to guys who actually been around the block . Lol

Agmatine Sulfate is excellent fir numerous things stack it with Citrulline and Carnosyn / beta Alanine for even more results. There’s definitely s natural ways to increase testosterone that are proven numerous natural herbs like Ashwaganda and stimulants like Viagra I’m not going to list them all but I know about Agmatine I’ve been on it on and off fir over a decade been on it steady fir a year now so to say there isn’t any is ridiculous . Lol

He’d be wrong . And no Iv e seen some pretty clueless guys who work at health stores . Listen to guys who actually been around the block . Lol

Agmatine Sulfate is excellent fir numerous things stack it with Citrulline and Carnosyn / beta Alanine for even more results. There’s definitely s natural ways to increase testosterone that are proven numerous natural herbs like Ashwaganda and stimulants like Viagra I’m not going to list them all but I know about Agmatine I’ve been on it on and off fir over a decade been on it steady fir a year now so to say there isn’t any is ridiculous . Lol

is your av from a video game or something?
moreplates sold something that claimed to work based on the science surrounding the stuff he put in there. i wouldn't trust it completely cause the industry is unregulated, but if you're interested..

is your av from a video game or something?
That’s my family , uncle Mickey is to the right and if you look closely you can see mom holding a cake and bros got the beer holding it up to the left .

It’s from Marvel Contest Of Champions video App game the character is Voxx .

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