BJJ after heart surgery


White Belt
May 4, 2024
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Hi, I'm a white belt who recently started BJJ a few months ago. I recently had a coronary stent placed (strong family history of heart disease). Luckily I didn't have a heart attack, the blockage was discovered after I had some chest pain after finishing a run, and I managed to get it stented without any damage to my heart. The cardiologist has told me that I can start training again after my next checkup in two months' time, but I was wondering if anyone here has experience with grappling after a surgery like mine. I'm afraid of triggering a heart attack, especially since I've measured my heart rate at close to 200bpm when rolling (before my stent surgery). I'm 5'7", female, 28 years old, about 175 lbs, in really good shape other than the coronary stent. Thanks.
Hi, I'm a white belt who recently started BJJ a few months ago. I recently had a coronary stent placed (strong family history of heart disease). Luckily I didn't have a heart attack, the blockage was discovered after I had some chest pain after finishing a run, and I managed to get it stented without any damage to my heart. The cardiologist has told me that I can start training again after my next checkup in two months' time, but I was wondering if anyone here has experience with grappling after a surgery like mine. I'm afraid of triggering a heart attack, especially since I've measured my heart rate at close to 200bpm when rolling (before my stent surgery). I'm 5'7", female, 28 years old, about 175 lbs, in really good shape other than the coronary stent. Thanks.
Mauricio Gomes who’s Roger Gracie’s father had a heart attack a few months ago and it looks like he’s back to rolling. Maybe look into his recovery or maybe dm his account to see if they have any ideas
A while back we had a blue belt who had a huge heart attack a few years prior to training with us.

He trained to the best of his ability, but he would be the first to admit that his gas tank was never the same after the heart attack. At best with years of clean eating, lots of cardio, and giving up cigarettes his stamina was capped out at about 60% of what it was before the heart attack.

If your doctor has cleared you to return to training in two months, go for it. But take it easy, go slow, try to pace yourself.

I know you mentioned a family history, but 28 is also really young to be having these types of issues. If there are any lifestyle risks you can eliminate, you should do that for the sake of your longevity. Cigarettes are an obvious one, but if you use any form of hormonal contraception I'd consider dropping that permanently and switching to condoms after something like this happening. There's a well documented increased risk of clot formation with many of those medications and to have a stent worthy blockage under the age of 30 it should be a very serious wake up call.
I joined the zipper club in my early 20s.

I was back in the mat (wrestling) a few months later.

Due to your age, you should be fine. But ease into it.

Are you on any meds, like blood thinners? That would be my main concern.
I joined the zipper club in my early 20s.

I was back in the mat (wrestling) a few months later.

Due to your age, you should be fine. But ease into it.

Are you on any meds, like blood thinners? That would be my main concern.

Blood thinners are usually mandatory with a stent.
I think NO and this is friendly advice....

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