Opinion Bill Barr could not deny that Trump said I want to assinate.....

How is it demonstrably false? Democratic socialist countries start and end programs all the time. That's a fact. You dont get to make up a cynical ideology and then say its true.
You said it was. You said my assertion was demonstrably false
This is a long-winded way of saying that socialism is hard because of racism/sexism/xenophobia. That has some Historical accuracy because access to certain things became more complicated conveniently after the 1960's, but the solution to that is simple, dont systemically favor any specific demographic. It will make a lot of the majority demographic mad, but tough sh*t, they'll get over it.
Glad we agree.

However, you can’t just have a minority tell the majority tough shit. That’s not how it works. That’s why I said it works in smaller populated homogeneous countries.
The point was that THEY dont all agree on that being the central reason why they have what they have and it works, nor do they agree that their homogeneity is even advantageous. At least not the younger ones.
Im sure they don’t. They are young. As they get older they will see that’s why it works.
Glad we agree.

However, you can’t just have a minority tell the majority tough shit. That’s not how it works. That’s why I said it works in smaller populated homogeneous countries.

The minority doesnt need to tell the majority that, it would need to be systemic. Hence, outlawing discriminatory systemic practices and then assuring there is follow-through. The IS did the first part, not so much the second.
Im sure they don’t. They are young. As they get older they will see that’s why it works.

Again this is merely an appeal to a cynical outlook. The younger Norwegians arent misguided, they're better-educated and more well-traveled. They are friends with people their grandfathers weren't like to be, they go places that scare their parents. That said the policies were never based on the country being white, or Christian. If I'm not mistaken the bulk of many Scandinavian Countries identify as Christian by default of their parents, but are atheistic in practice. Their policies were based on the idea that the Government serves the people, must provide for the people, and that when it treats people better, everything is better. They dont necessarily worship hardship the way the US does.
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The minority doesnt need to tell the majority that, it would need to be systemic. Hence, outlawing discriminatory systemic practices and then assuring there is follow-through. The IS did the first part, not so much the second.
It was your words, my man.
It’s demonstratably false for a socialist country to want more socialist programs?

I do guess that Cubans who escaped Cuba no longer want socialism. Good point.

Yes, because there are Countries worh robust social programs that do not endlessly expand.

Cubans who escaped Cuba no longer want poverty. Some tie the poverty to the idea of socialism, some dont.
LOL @ LARPing socialists, who have never lived in a socialist nation, promoting socialism. It never gets old. There are no amount of refugees from socialist nations telling them that they're ignorant, that will convince them that they are indeed fucking ignorant.
LOL @ LARPing socialists, who have never lived in a socialist nation, promoting socialism. It never gets old. There are no amount of refugees from socialist nations telling them that they're ignorant, that will convince them that they are indeed fucking ignorant.

I live in a socialist Country rignt now, it's just one where my tax money is filtered up to the wealthy, who then sponsor political candidates to reduce their own taxes while gouging me for prices of their goods while laying off workers of my economic class, paying their CEO's 4x what they did a few years ago, and using my tax money to inflate their stock value with buy-backs. Lol
Yeah, I'm missing the part where I said the minority need to tell them whatever.
If it’s not the minority telling the majority tough shit, who is? Who else is left?

You are literally telling them tough shit in your post!!
If it’s not the minority telling the majority tough shit, who is? Who else is left?

You are literally telling them tough shit in your post!!

I said these measures need to be systemically implemented. Who was it that told the majority to pass the Civil Rights Act? Yes minorities got uppity about it but they had no real measurable political power.

The majority had to tell themselves.
I said these measures need to be systemically implemented. Who was it that told the majority to pass the Civil Rights Act? Yes minorities got uppity about it but they had no real measurable political power.

The majority had to tell themselves.
The majority of people wanted that at the time. Thats how it happened. The majority voted in politicians to create policy. That’s how democracies work.

The issue everyone has with the left and the right right now is there is a vocal minority trying to force things on the heels of saying “tough sh*t”. EXACTLY like you are saying.

Own it.

The right is saying “tough sh*t” to women who want sensible healthcare and the left is saying “tough sh*t” to people who don’t think men are women.
The majority of people wanted that at the time. Thats how it happened. The majority voted in politicians to create policy. That’s how democracies work.

The issue everyone has with the left and the right right now is there is a vocal minority trying to force things on the heels of saying “tough sh*t”. EXACTLY like you are saying.

Own it.

The right is saying “tough sh*t” to women who want sensible healthcare and the left is saying “tough sh*t” to people who don’t think men are women.

Dude what do you think I'm talking about? You're stuck on two words and acting like it means something it doesnt. There were PLENTY of people upset with desegregation, with the voting rights act, hell there are currently politicians AND SCOTUS Justices who have spoken about both being mistakes. I'm for reform before revolution. I'd rather have reform.

Yeah, the right is saying that to women and trans people, and they're also actively trying to restrict voting and make it more difficult. They are also looking for ways to NOT enact ballot measures where people voted to undo THEIR saying "tough sh*t." I'm not for minority rule, they are.
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Dude what do you think I'm talking about? You're stuck on two words and acting like it means something it doesnt. There were PLENTY of people upset with desegregation, with the voting rights act, hell there are currently politicians AND SCOTUS Justices who have spoken about both being mistakes. I'm for reform before revolution. I'd rather have reform.

Yeah, the right is saying that to women and trans people, and they're also actively trying to restrict voting and make it more difficult. They are also looking for ways to NOT enact ballot measures where people voted to under THEIR saying "tough sh*t." I'm not for minority rule, they are.
My man, explain how your words of telling the majority tough sh*t isn’t telling the majority tough sh*t.
Barr has got to be one of the most cucked people I've ever seen. And he's not a MAGAtard, that's not who he's cucked by. Suggesting that regulations are more of a threat to Democracy than actually ending Democracy shows he's cucked by moneyed-interests. No balls, no spine, this guy.

He's so spinless a wheelchair is insufficient, the man should be pushed around in a wheel barrel because he's just complete mush and made of jelly and devoid of any skeletal bone structure.