International Biden calls US ally Japan ‘xenophobic’ along with Russia and China

Well for one, Japan's history of xenophobia goes back much further than "what happened to the West" whatever that is and has caused them economic troubles multiple times in their history. Japan's economy has been stagnant or near stagnant since the early 80s.

Also he's not wrong about Japan, their xenophobia is causing some pretty big issues for their demographics and workforce. For the ideas of free trade to work the most efficiently, you also need freedom of movement for the workers.

Russia however does have a massive amount of immigrants, legal and illegal. One of the largest illegal workforces in the world, even. Their problem is that their migrants are not always the most willing to be there and their war policy has rapidly increase their rate of brain drain not even getting into their war deaths. Pre war their rate of birth was about the lowest in the developed world.

China's situation was different, they didn't need migrants and could afford to be xenophobic because of their large domestic workforce... but then the one child policy came along and combined with their existing xenophobic policies, their demographics are tanking faster than anyone else.
You are putting economy as the most valued prize over their history and culture.

I love all people and countries but can we stop this xenophobia shit.
You are putting economy as the most valued prize over their history and culture.

I love all people and countries but can we stop this xenophobia shit.

I understand the term has colloquially has a negative connotation especially in right leaning circles like Sherdog... but words have meanings and the meaning of the word accurately describes Japan's current and historic immigration policy.

The health of the economy can be directly correlated to the happiness of a population. It turns out that people are happy when they can earn lots of money and buy lots of goods and services that make their lives better.

The two things are pretty intertwined.
They can't even vote in an amount of time that would be useful for any politician. It's over 10 years. A lot of the times even longer.

It's just so fucking dumb righties really need to abandon this propaganda. It takes like over a decade for an immigrant to naturalize and even earn voting rights. It's such an insane conspiracy that gets parroted around by you propaganda muppets like it's a reality at all.

Then you're assuming that in over ten years the politicians involved and issues will be the same, and they'll actually be able to benefit from these voters at all. How do you know how foreign immigrants that have gone through the naturalization process will even vote on an issue in 15 or 20 years?

Spare me the pearl clutching grandapa, I didn't call you a racist, I called it a racist take. I'll even admit you're too dumb to separate the two, and you probably are racist if you believe things like this, but I didn't call you a racist.

Do you think it's possible that people as individuals might just want to come to literally the richest country in human history on their own without any outside encouragement when the fucking internet and airplanes exist?
So instead of going round and round, I'll ask this-
Do you honestly believe the hundreds of thousands of people coming to this country over our border illegally, (because lets be real, thats the bulk of our immigrants in this country) breaking our laws to be here, are working as hard to assimilate as the people who came here 100 years or so ago? Go ahead and lie or call me racist to avoid the question all together because thats all you have.
You are putting economy as the most valued prize over their history and culture.

I love all people and countries but can we stop this xenophobia shit.
The mistake being made is that people think assimilation means giving up your history, like its some kind of racist mind wipe. It just means respecting the values of your new homeland and actively contributing to society. Doesn't matter what color you are or what god you worship. Or DIDN'T matter, I should say. Seems like thats all that matters today.
I understand the term has colloquially has a negative connotation especially in right leaning circles like Sherdog... but words have meanings and the meaning of the word accurately describes Japan's current and historic immigration policy.

The health of the economy can be directly correlated to the happiness of a population. It turns out that people are happy when they can earn lots of money and buy lots of goods and services that make their lives better.

The two things are pretty intertwined.
I don't think it matters a jot what we think. If a collective people wish to remain closed and value that part of their society so highly, it's nobody else's business. Joe bloody Biden shouting it out is the act of a child.
So instead of going round and round, I'll ask this-
Do you honestly believe the hundreds of thousands of people coming to this country over our border illegally, (because lets be real, thats the bulk of our immigrants in this country) breaking our laws to be here, are working as hard to assimilate as the people who came here 100 years or so ago? Go ahead and lie or call me racist to avoid the question all together because thats all you have.

So I can't honestly respond to your loaded question without cutting through all the bullshit you've loaded it with.

First, the data suggest that for the past 5 to 10 years or so, the majority of illegal entries are visa overstays. People that come by plane or across the border with a valid visa and then just don't leave. Turns out just walking here kind of sucks when planes and cars are options. The percent of the population that are immigrants today has remained nearly constant since the 1800s. About 13%. There is nothing exceptional or scary about the number of immigrants come here, illegal or legal. It's well within our current and historic capabilities to process and absorb migrants into our system.

And they certainly aren't being encouraged to come here deliberately so they can maybe possibly vote for a politician that may exist 20 years in the future.

I would say every generation of immigrant works as hard or harder than any generation previous. I would say the current generation of immigrants are one of the hardest working and most productive immigrants in our history.
I don't think it matters a jot what we think. If a collective people wish to remain closed and value that part of their society so highly, it's nobody else's business. Joe bloody Biden shouting it out is the act of a child.

We could agree or disagree whether not Biden should have said it, especially in context with the company he brough the topic up with, but he wasn't wrong to define it as such.

Japan's xenophobic policies are real and have been real for a long time and it has hurt their economy greatly at several points in their history.
So I can't honestly respond to your loaded question without cutting through all the bullshit you've loaded it with.

First, the data suggest that for the past 5 to 10 years or so, the majority of illegal entries are visa overstays. People that come by plane or across the border with a valid visa and then just don't leave. Turns out just walking here kind of sucks when planes and cars are options. The percent of the population that are immigrants today has remained nearly constant since the 1800s. About 13%. There is nothing exceptional or scary about the number of immigrants come here, illegal or legal. It's well within our current and historic capabilities to process and absorb migrants into our system.

And they certainly aren't being encouraged to come here deliberately so they can maybe possibly vote for a politician that may exist 20 years in the future.

I would say every generation of immigrant works as hard or harder than any generation previous. I would say the current generation of immigrants are one of the hardest working and most productive immigrants in our history.
It only seems like a loaded question to you because you know you're wrong. There's no way you can say that with the millions of immigrants who are breaking our law to be here worked as hard to be a part of the USA machine as our ancestors did. Its indefensible.
I will clarify one more time. I don't believe the illegal immigrants coming here are being exploited for THEIR vote. They're being exploited for YOURS. Thats part of the reason we invite illegals to this country and do nothing about them but play the race card with those who dare question it. YOU are the one being used. YOU are the one being convinced to hate your neighbor.
It only seems like a loaded question to you because you know you're wrong. There's no way you can say that with the millions of immigrants who are breaking our law to be here worked as hard to be a part of the USA machine as our ancestors did. Its indefensible.
I will clarify one more time. I don't believe the illegal immigrants coming here are being exploited for THEIR vote. They're being exploited for YOURS. Thats part of the reason we invite illegals to this country and do nothing about them but play the race card with those who dare question it. YOU are the one being used. YOU are the one being convinced to hate your neighbor.

Sick mental gymnastics there granpda.

I accept your odd emotional outburst as a concession.
I still find it surprising that with all of the potential people to choose from for the Democratic nomination it was Biden that got the nod. I mean I understand Hillary was never ever ever going to win but Democrats couldn't be behind anyone else but Biden in sufficient numbers?

It was irelevant they just wanted to stop socialism from changing the country.

Biden as a leader is irelevant he is Reagan VII. America has had the same president in everything but name since 1981.
I still find it surprising that with all of the potential people to choose from for the Democratic nomination it was Biden that got the nod. I mean I understand Hillary was never ever ever going to win but Democrats couldn't be behind anyone else but Biden in sufficient numbers?

Democratic voters are more loyal to the party establishment than Republican voters are. The DNC realized before Super Tuesday that if they didn't consolidate behind Biden then Sanders was going to win. So they had Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar drop out of the race and endorse Biden. They didn't actually care about Biden, they just chose him as the guy to stop Sanders.
Lol at jacan, kneeling at their racism. They wish they were prospering like our prime sanctuary cities LA, Chicango and NY.
I understand the term has colloquially has a negative connotation especially in right leaning circles like Sherdog... but words have meanings and the meaning of the word accurately describes Japan's current and historic immigration policy.
More current than historical, TBH. They get it.
Biden is mad that Japan doesn't want to destroy their country like he is doing.
It only seems like a loaded question to you because you know you're wrong. There's no way you can say that with the millions of immigrants who are breaking our law to be here worked as hard to be a part of the USA machine as our ancestors did. Its indefensible.
I will clarify one more time. I don't believe the illegal immigrants coming here are being exploited for THEIR vote. They're being exploited for YOURS. Thats part of the reason we invite illegals to this country and do nothing about them but play the race card with those who dare question it. YOU are the one being used. YOU are the one being convinced to hate your neighbor.
What legal hurdles do you think your ancestors had to overcome to become Americans?
I hope Japan keeps up their "xenophobic" immigration policies and protect their unique culture. You don't need to import trash.
Japan is one the last controls we have for this ridiculous experiment of browning-out the state occupants.

Keep them pure. Keep them Japanese.
It only seems like a loaded question to you because you know you're wrong. There's no way you can say that with the millions of immigrants who are breaking our law to be here worked as hard to be a part of the USA machine as our ancestors did. Its indefensible.
I will clarify one more time. I don't believe the illegal immigrants coming here are being exploited for THEIR vote. They're being exploited for YOURS. Thats part of the reason we invite illegals to this country and do nothing about them but play the race card with those who dare question it. YOU are the one being used. YOU are the one being convinced to hate your neighbor.

It was the Republicans who just held up the Ukraine and Israel military aid bill so they can get a negotiated border bill.

They negotiated for months holding the bill hostage and when they finally got an agreed upon immigration reform bill, fucktard far right faction of the Republicans rejected it.

So the Republicans do not really give a shit about illegal immigration. It's all a dog and pony show.
So the Republicans do not really give a shit about illegal immigration. It's all a dog and pony show.
i think they do, but the premise being i fuck you ten times in the ass, and the compromise being i fuck you only 7 times, and you're supposed to look at that as a win? you're still getting fucked in the ass.

a lot of negotiation today is like this. "we offered getting fucked in the ass only 7 times and they declined! they don't want a solution!"

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