Behind the Curtain - shoot interviews, podcasts, book stories, urban legends

So I've been listening to a bunch of these podcasts by wrestlers based on the recommendations in this thread. It's crazy, I've barely watched rasslin in the last decade but I could listen to guys talking about it all damn day.
Same, haven't watched pro wrasslin' in 20 years, listening to the reminiscing and stories about back then is way more entertaining than the product now, since MMA basically replaced pro wrestling and now with the internet and social media we get the storylines and angles for MMA in real time, the wrestling industry is truly dead outside of the PG-13 market.

Podcasts are killing the shoot interview business.
Shoot interviews were for an era before podcasts.
Yeah and it took those guys years to become more than what they were in w.c.w. Jericho almost got released but they kept him because jarrett left and needed someone to do the chyna angle. Saturn didn't do shit in the w.w.f. Dean was a joke who had that horrible feud with Lita. Eddie, god bless him almost relapsed on drugs because the pressure of being champ got to him. Basically was a mid card his whole wwe career just like in w.c.w.
Benoit? Was only given the belt to give hhh a break. He didn't draw and only headlined vs hhh and then dropped the strap to Orton. He never smelled main event status again. Mid to upper card...just like wcw. Oh lets not forget Jericho who was only the undisputed champ to drop it to hhh. For fucks sake, NOBODY took him serious and even Vince made jokes about him being champion.
Lets not forget the three "world champions" didn't even get the strap until wcw closed abd there was no competition. Oh and none of them drew money. Jericho was always a transitional champion. Listen, I enjoy all there in ring work but they tried acting like they were on the level of Hogan,Nash,sting..etc.

One good idea? Hmm lets see: Signing Hogan, going head to head with raw in which they beat them 83 fucking weeks in a row, crow sting,goldberg,ddp,dennis Rodman(he sucked in the ring damn it drew money), showcasing luchadors and other international stars...

I get it, he made mistakes but Vince made just as many. Also vince doesn't have competition so if he makes mistakes...who cares? Hes the only real game in town. Also when Eric was removed from power in 99 it was a salvageable project but russo ruined it.

The wrestlers who hate Eric tend to praise paul heyman. I mean at least eric got them on national tv and paid them. Paul got them smelly bingo halls and a lost check in the mail.
Bischoff didn't have the presence to control a dressing room, but he made many astute business moves and Rodman was one of them, despite what people say about it now. It was never about him being good in the ring or having a good angle.

He paid a million dollars for Rodman to do a few shows. And got 10 million dollars in advertising and more importantly, mainstream news attention you can't buy as a result of it.
JR’s “Best of Studio Sessions” are brilliant. Young guys and girls in the early 90’s sharing their love for pro wrestling. Simpler times than that of today.
What podcast is everyone listening to? I mean besides stone colds
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The podcasts with former and current wrestling talent are fairly well known.
What podcasts from the fans perspective do people listen to?
The Lapsed Fan has been a guilty pleasure of mine for a few years now.
I've tried several other shows but haven't had much luck finding one that scratches the right itch.

I prefer the classic content to new stuff.
What recommendations do people have?
I see that Warlord (Terry Szopinski) has been in a few interviews lately that are on YouTube.

The guy seems very with it.

As a massive guy who is honest about his steroid intake during his career, I can't believe he sounds so well.

One thing that was brought up in his interviews is that he didn't drink (commenters under the interviews stated he didn't take recreational drugs during his career either).

I wonder if this means recreational drugs are more dangerous for the body than roids.
I see that Warlord (Terry Szopinski) has been in a few interviews lately that are on YouTube.

The guy seems very with it.

As a massive guy who is honest about his steroid intake during his career, I can't believe he sounds so well.

One thing that was brought up in his interviews is that he didn't drink (commenters under the interviews stated he didn't take recreational drugs during his career either).

I wonder if this means recreational drugs are more dangerous for the body than roids.
He also didn't take a lot of the bumps that many other wrestlers take.
As a big man he didn't have to sell as much as the average wrestler.
That could also be part of it.
He also only worked the crazy (at the time) WWF schedule for less than three years. And once Vince started cracking down on steroids (and unfortunately marijuana as well) after 1991 he wrestled less than 60 matches in 1992 and basically retired after that.

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