Social Baton Rouge Will Split into Two Cities Following Court Ruling

And that's really what this is. They always scoffed when anybody said there's a point where people will just leave when you treat them like open bags of loot that will never leave.

I like how the tantrum has turned into all the media stories calling it a "rich white enclave" like it's east Hampton. It's bigger than the city I live in, has the same racial makeup of the broader US, and the median household income is like $10k lower than the national median income. It's a straight up middle class town, but the rest of baton rouge is such a shithole that they have to pretend middle class people are all Jeff Bezos.
If they don’t paint it as a racial thing, they will lose their power over the narrative.
I find comments like this to so stupid. As if people don't have a right to have grievances. I wouldn't be surprised if the people of St George were met with the same type of vitriol and now it looks like they're getting the last laugh.

Like I said, this isn't new and it's just class warfare. I'm going to once again point out the irony of this happening in a place called Red Stick.
I’m sure he lives in a minority neighborhood and isn’t just projecting.

I do, actually.

I have the money to live in a variety of neighborhoods but have lived in a predominantly black neighborhood for thirty years.
I think it makes perfect sense to use the English pronunciation when speaking English, the French when speaking French, Italian when speaking Italian, etc. My wife gets really bothered by people pronouncing Tokyo like Toke-e-o too and I can understand it, but I think she over-reacts a bit. If you never heard of Stephen Colbert and then saw his name in print do you think you could be forgiven for saying it like Cole-Bert instead of Cole-Bear?

Does ANYONE say Cole-Bert?
Like I said, this isn't new and it's just class warfare. I'm going to once again point out the irony of this happening in a place called Red Stick.
You didn't mention race?
Does ANYONE say Cole-Bert?
That's not an answer to any of the questions I asked you. It's a really minor thing so who cares, really, but that makes your strawman response all the more disappointing.
No amount of coolness in its name is gonna make you wanna live there, I assure you.

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is among the U.S. cities with the highest homicide rates. There were a total of 102 murders reported in the city in 2020, or 46.5 for every 100,000 people — well above the national homicide rate of 6.5 murders per 100,000.

There were 952 violent crimes reported for every 100,000 people in Baton Rouge in 2020, compared to 399 incidents per 100,000 nationwide.

When progressives try to dunk on red states for having higher violent crime, they always omit the part where it’s all concentrated in the heavy blue cites in these red states
If they don’t paint it as a racial thing, they will lose their power over the narrative.
These dudes are really unraveling. Apparently they're "racist", so the implication is that they want more racists in their city.
I like how @Andy Capp laughs at my post saying it’s not a racial thing and then likes @Loiosh post saying it’s not a racial thing.
This issue is not necessarily a racial thing. I laugh at you because you're laughable. And my comment was specifically about his response to my post.
This issue is not necessarily a racial thing. I laugh at you because you're laughable. And my comment was specifically about his response to my post.
You’re probably the last of the braindead libs I don’t have on ignore because you were basically background noise. I am not confident you have a coherent thought in your head.
You’re probably the last of the braindead libs I don’t have on ignore because you were basically background noise. I am not confident you have a coherent thought in your head.
LOL ironic. When you begin to understand the difference between preventative measures and reactive measures I'll be over in the thread about legislation to require securing of weapons, clownshoes.
Would never get city status in the UK.

That there is a town.
You didn't mention race?

Pretty sure I've explained how complicated this is several times, but here we go again.

It's classist but it's being driven by white people, who make up most of the upper classes, and it's hurting the lowest class, which is overwhelmingly black.

So do I think this is racist? No, I wouldn't really call it that, even though it's almost certainly the new expression of redlining. This is affluent people wanting to make their own rules and not wanting their tax dollars to be wasted on the less fortunate.

Can you see why I'd find this attitude depressing? It's one thing to move into an area that is what you like and want, but this is the prosperous shutting the door on the less fortunate. The older I get the less faith I have in humanity.

Don't think I'm a zealot that doesn't understand people taking care of their own, I do. I've spent my life donating my time and money to charities, but nothing I've done for them comes close to what I do for my family. I've just never done something for my family that cost others so much, it's inconceivably selfish to me.

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