Social Baton Rouge Will Split into Two Cities Following Court Ruling

Right, so you're saying influence should be commensurate with wealth.

A few years ago a black woman was sent to prison for sending her son to a school in her father's district (the kid's grandfather). That sort of puts the idea of America as a meritocracy to bed, although only imbeciles ever believed that.

A wealthy district wants their tax money to only serve their district. You think that's just and fair, I think it's despicable, especially when you consider everything America has done to keep wealth out of black hands.
Everything white people do is wrong according to leftists if whites leave it's white flight, if they move to a black area it's gentrification and it they vote to separate from a city it's segregation. There is nothing these people can do that would make the left happy so they decided just start their own city.
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- So it's similar to here. I live in the safest state in Brazil. We have other states that are very dangerous, some states are in the middle.

The biggest diference i see on USA its the racial division, and the fact that criminal there attack their own comunities. Here a criminal will get killed by other criminals for doing that.

Santa Catarina?
Right, so you're saying influence should be commensurate with wealth.

A few years ago a black woman was sent to prison for sending her son to a school in her father's district (the kid's grandfather). That sort of puts the idea of America as a meritocracy to bed, although only imbeciles ever believed that.

A wealthy district wants their tax money to only serve their district. You think that's just and fair, I think it's despicable, especially when you consider everything America has done to keep wealth out of black hands.
Which one? The one in Connecticut that was sent to prison tried to sell guns and prostitution to undercover cops, and had also robbed a bank and had a weapons conviction.

The one in Ohio in 2011 wasn't sent to prison, she went to county jail for like a week because she doubled down after getting questioned and had her dad fill out fraud paperwork too. Luckily Ohio has since expanded school choice, though democrats were strongly against and continue to fight it.

Yes, obviously the people who are almost the entire tax base should have some representation in the government, otherwise this is what you get, people fed up with paying all of the taxes to live in an unsafe city with unusable schools. Why shouldn't they be allowed to vote on whether to stay a part of a failed city or to finally have one where they have representation?
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Good for them. It should probably work out great for them. Far more bang for their buck
Baton Rouge is a shit city already. Gee, I wonder what part will have all the violence and murder?

Fuck Baton Rouge. That shithole rioted when alton sterling, an armed pedophile, was killed by police as he was struggling to pull the gun from his pocket. Then, three police officers were murdered in response. Again, fuck that shithole
Baton Rouge is a shit city already. Gee, I wonder what part will have all the violence and murder?

Fuck Baton Rouge. That shithole rioted when alton sterling, an armed pedophile, was killed by police as he was struggling to pull the gun from his pocket. Then, three police officers were murdered in response. Again, fuck that shithole
That’s the point. They think it’s a shithole, so they want their own enclave.
Baton Rouge is a shit city already. Gee, I wonder what part will have all the violence and murder?

Fuck Baton Rouge. That shithole rioted when alton sterling, an armed pedophile, was killed by police as he was struggling to pull the gun from his pocket. Then, three police officers were murdered in response. Again, fuck that shithole
What a surprise.
Everything white people do is wrong according to leftists if whites leave it's white flight, if they move to a black area it's gentrification and it they vote to separate from a city it's segregation. There is nothing these people can do that would make the left happy so they decided just start their own city.
What do they call it when you spew shit?
60 sq miles for 86k people is pretty massive

Last town I lived in had 50k people in about 20 sq miles

That's not how it's pronounced, that's how Americans pronounce it. It's a French name Americans don't know how to pronounce.

I met a guy from New York with the same last name as me and when he introduced himself I smiled and told him that's not how his name is pronounced. He got mad and told me it was because he was American. I told him his name was Italian and where he lived didn't matter.

Not going to lie, we do the same shit in Montréal. Almost all our streets have French names but a lot of them have Anglophone pronunciations, like Guy street. No Anglophone pronounces it the French way, right @koquerelle ?

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