Art Can Be Uplifting Only if Touched by Sadness


Sell all you have, give it to the kittens
Dec 23, 2008
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Yea or nay? Discuss.

This isn't to say that all great art must wallow in sadness. There is certainly a very necessary place for that, and for the observer to sit with their own sadness for a time, but that isn't all of art.

On the other hand, without uplifting art, life would be nothing but unending horror. However, without that touch of sadness, it would ring false and hollow.

Whatever, I'm drunk. Fuck you.
TS won't let the She-Wolf tear us apart.

Good art is rarely created by someone that is content, happy and fulfilled.

If they are, then the process must be torturous to make up for that.
This is what @Fengxian tells me when I ask him why he is so mean to his girlfriend.
Not being touched can bring sadless, if only uplifting