Anyone else irritated by Zuckerberg sitting cage side ?

He's stupid rich... I would take my chair and sit inside the cage and throw money at the fighters like a club.
Dudes a disgusting little weasel and I dread the day he gets his filthy fucking data thieving hands on the UFC
there are plenty of dorks that are cage-side, it seems stupid to care for it
elite rich people are going to get to do whatever they want. i think it's interesting hybrid techno reptilian sell out has taken an interest in MMA. and i take solace in the fact that hardcore fighters do snub him every chance except for volks team. its all good. MMA has become mainstream. this is what happens. at least diego completely ignored him.
He has a similar shtoyl to actual fighters.


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I was totally cringed out by him sitting beside Dana trying to get fighters attention when they came over to talk to Dana.

It was even cringier when most fighters just totally didn't give a fuck about him .

Every time the camera was on him, you could that he was overly excited like a school boy , all smiles trying to eagerly to explain every situation to his wife.

It's like dude you are a beta nerdy computer guy who just picked up MMA 2 years ago , tf you doing trying to blend in with fighters?

Ok, feel much better now.
So rant about a guy who trains with mma fighters. Loves the sports. Loves attending mma fights, gets amped up to talk to fighters and see them fight,

You're the fucming problem with mma fans. You guys complain about everything

Let the guy enjoy this sport. Your sorry boring ass could fuck off and no one would give a flying fuck
He started Jiu Jitsu in his 30s but blew out his knee pretty quick (like about 1 yr? - and I suspect most people were being super careful being who he is, not like us average joes where an old guy gets the crap beat out of him.) He should have done the work in the weight room first to build some muscle/strengthen those tendons/ligaments.
As far as respect I don't know what everyone's crying about - they all use his social media products to promote themselves for the last 20 yrs. They should at least give him a grudging acknowledgement for that if they had enough brains.
Oh no. A man was really excited and passionate while enjoying an amazing experience.

What an asshole. How dare he enjoy the sport we all love while not looking a way which fits your preconceived notion of what a fight fan should look like!!

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