Any long time fans feel like the UFC has lost its magic?


Im just older and its no longer new to me.

Your enthusiasm will naturally change with time.

It's YOU.


There is NO WAY I can be as enthusiastic as I was 20 yrs ago. There's no way anyone can be. You get older and you've been through it. I'm still a fan. I still follow it. I will always love it.

But MMA used to consume my life. I watched it. I trained it. I even did ringside photography and interviewed several of my fav fighters.

There's no way I can be the same as I was back then. But if i was 20 yrs old today id be completley the same as I was back then.
They make alot more filler cards filled with fights not as exciting.

Back in the day we had approx one card per month and you'd be stoked for it.

Now they have top tier card not as often and some regular card every weekend with half decent fighters but there's so many I can't keep track.

It used to be the Ultimate fighting championship but now it feels commercialized.