Ancient Bladeless Bushido Training


Aspiring Rapper and Inventor of the StronKube
Platinum Member
Mar 30, 2022
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Hello to all my #UFCFriend and #MayberryFriend. Given the rise of the growing sport of #PowerSlap, I have new fire which was been ignite in my heart of mine.

While I truly enjoy the #bluecollarwarrior who enter the sport, I feel many much knowledge was lost from this ancient striking and mental martial art and this was quite evident in performances.

You many know me in this realm as PaddyO'malley, but my former name given to me in my village of mine was been Iron Palm AJ. I was given this name by Master Choi before defecting to the West in order to pursue my journey of understand ancient Western Philosophy which have knowledge we was not been givin in my former village of mine.

However, I notice that Western Philosophy has forgotten the teaching of lost art of Bladeless Bushido, so I make this thread to share my daily trainings.

So far I have completed 28 consecutive day of program, which focus of the following gates propose by Bladeless Bushido master Kim Il Sung:

The Gate of Fluidity
Emphasizes seamless movements and transitions between strikes, akin to the flow of water. It teaches the importance of smooth, continuous motion in combat, allowing for rapid adaptation to changing situations.

The Gate of Harmony
Focuses on the balance between mind and body, promoting mental clarity and physical coordination. This gate encourages a state of inner peace and focused presence, enhancing the fighter's ability to respond with both precision and grace.

The Gate of Resilience
Concentrates on building endurance and the capacity to withstand strikes, embodying the resilience of the earth. It underlines the significance of physical toughness and mental fortitude in overcoming challenges.

The Gate of Precision
Dedicated to honing the accuracy of each strike, targeting weaknesses with the precision of a seasoned archer. This gate values meticulous attention to detail and the strategic placement of attacks for maximum effectiveness.

The Gate of Reflection
Aims to cultivate the ability to read opponents and anticipate their moves, mirroring not just their physical but also their mental strategies. It emphasizes strategic thinking and the anticipation of the opponent's actions.

The Gate of Power
Focuses on cultivating and harnessing explosive strength and raw power in techniques. It involves understanding the mechanics of power generation and utilizing the body's kinetic chain to deliver strikes with devastating force.

The Gate of Balance
Teaches the importance of maintaining physical and mental equilibrium under pressure. This gate encourages adaptability, ensuring that practitioners can maintain their center and stability regardless of the external forces they face.

My re-journey through these gates has not only challenged my physical limits but also reminded me as well as deepened my understanding of the mental discipline required in Bladeless Bushido. I was been hope I was ignite a similar passion and curiosity within your heart as we embark on this journey together, rediscovering the ancient tree of wisdom in Bladeless Bushido so all may enjoy the fruits. Follow my journey as I delve deeper into the art that is transcend mere physical prowess, venturing into the realms of mental fortitude and philosophical enlightenment.

Brief summary of the previous 4-weeks of training:

Day 1: Introduction to Bladeless Bushido
Exercises: Basic slap mechanics, footwork drills, shadowboxing to emphasize fluid motion.
Combined Gates: The Gate of Fluidity, The Gate of Balance

Day 2: Balancing Mind and Body
Exercises: Yoga for mobility, breath-controlled slap drills, meditation for mental clarity.
Focus Gate: The Gate of Harmony

Day 3: Building Resilience
Exercises: Endurance running, core strengthening routines, defensive posture holds against resistance.
Focus Gate: The Gate of Resilience

Day 4: Precision in Practice
Exercises: Targeted slap accuracy drills, fine-tuning strike angles, slow-motion technique refinement.
Focus Gate: The Gate of Precision

Day 5: Reflective Strategy and Anticipation
Exercises: Reaction time drills, partner sparring with emphasis on defense, tactical scenario analysis.
Focus Gate: The Gate of Reflection

Day 6: Integrating Fluidity and Power
Exercises: High-intensity interval training (HIIT) with slap-focused movements, dynamic stretching, power generation drills from various stances.
Combined Gates: The Gate of Fluidity, The Gate of Precision, and The Gate of Power

Day 7: Active Recovery and Mental Fortitude
Exercises: Light jogging, yoga, deep breathing exercises, visualization practice.
Focus Gate: The Gate of Harmony

Day 8: Mastering the Gate of Balance
Exercises: Balance work with kettlebell, single-leg exercises, and tai chi for dynamic stability. Drills and weighted exercises focusing on maintaining posture and equilibrium during movement.
Focus Gate: The Gate of Balance

Day 9: Enhancing Explosive Power
Exercises: Sprint starts, box jumps for lower body explosiveness, and explosive push-ups. Practice slaps with an emphasis on power generation from the ground up.
Focus Gate: The Gate of Power

Day 10: Fluidity and Precision Combo
Exercises: Flow drills combining footwork and slap techniques, accuracy training with small target hitting, and shadowboxing with fluid transitions.
Combined Gates: The Gate of Fluidity and The Gate of Precision

Day 11: Harmonizing Mind and Body
Exercises: Yoga and pilates for core strength and flexibility, meditation for focus, breath control exercises during light technical drills.
Focus Gate: The Gate of Harmony

Day 12: Developing Resilience Through Endurance
Exercises: Long-distance run, high-rep bodyweight circuits for muscular endurance, and practicing slaps on a heavy bag for sustained periods.
Focus Gate: The Gate of Resilience

Day 13: Reflection and Anticipation Skills
Exercises: Sparring with a focus on defensive maneuvers, video analysis of sparring sessions to improve anticipation, and strategy games like chess or puzzles to enhance quick decision-making under pressure.
Focus Gate: The Gate of Reflection

Day 14: Integrating Power with Balance
Exercises: Combination drills that require power generation while maintaining balance, including movements that transition from strong, grounded stances to dynamic strikes.
Combined Gates: The Gate of Power and The Gate of Balance

Day 15: Advanced Fluidity Techniques
Exercises: Advanced shadowboxing incorporating multi-directional movement and fluid combination drills on the reflex bag.
Focus Gate: The Gate of Fluidity

Day 16: Deepening Mind-Body Connection
Exercises: Meditative movement practices like Qigong, synchronized breathing and striking drills, and balance challenges in nature to enhance proprioception.
Focus Gate: The Gate of Harmony

Day 17: Elevated Resilience Training
Exercises: Long distance run, high-intensity interval training with minimal rest periods, and prolonged exposure to cold water to fortify mental and physical endurance.
Focus Gate: The Gate of Resilience

Day 18: Sharpening Precision
Exercises: Precision striking on increasingly smaller targets, blindfolded technique work to heighten spatial awareness, and sniper-like focus drills using visualization.
Focus Gate: The Gate of Precision

Day 19: Advanced Reflex and Strategy
Exercises: Chess played under time constraints to improve strategic thinking under pressure, reaction drills with unpredictable elements, and low-intensity reflex bag work to promote focus and goal alignment
Focus Gate: The Gate of Reflection

Day 20: Unleashing Maximum Power
Exercises: Explosive weight lifting techniques, kettlebell swings and olympic style lifts, and high-intensity slap drills with a focus on maximal force output at peak speed.
Focus Gate: The Gate of Power

Day 21: Mastery of Balance
Exercises: Advanced yoga poses held for extended periods and rotational power exercises performed on unstable surfaces to challenge and improve balance under dynamic conditions.
Focus Gate: The Gate of Balance

Day 22: Integrating Fluidity and Power
Exercises: Dynamic slap drills emphasizing smooth transitions between strikes, utilizing resistance bands to simulate forceful movements.
Combined Gates: The Gate of Fluidity and The Gate of Power

Day 23: Harmonizing Resilience and Precision
Exercises: Endurance drills focusing on maintaining precise technique under fatigue, visualization for mental resilience, and focusing during extended efforts.
Combined Gates: The Gate of Resilience and The Gate of Precision

Day 24: Reflexive Strategy in Motion
Exercises: Shadowboxing focusing on strategic strike placement, cognitive drills to enhance quick decision-making within set routines, strategic puzzles to develop tactical thinking.
Combined Gates: The Gate of Reflection and The Gate of Fluidity

Day 25: Power and Balance Synergy
Exercises: Strength and balance training to enhance power generation with stability, agility ladder drills to improve quick footing and body awareness in a static context.
Combined Gates: The Gate of Power and The Gate of Balance

Day 26: Mastering Harmony Through Adversity
Exercises: Breath control exercises under simulated stress conditions, rhythmic heavy bag drills to sync movement and breathing, cold shower for mental and physical conditioning.
Combined Gates: The Gate of Harmony and The Gate of Resilience

Day 27: Peak Performance Review
Activities: Self-assessment of techniques across all gates, video analysis for self-feedback, refining personal strategy and technique based on observations.
Focus: Individual analysis and integration of all Gates

Day 28: The Seven Gates United
Culmination: A competition simulation day combining intensive skill drills, meditative practice, and strategic exercises, concluding with a comprehensive solo demonstration of Bladeless Bushido principles, focusing on power, precision, and mental preparation.
Focus: Personal mastery and unity of all Seven Gates

Be like water my friends.
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Today, I was having been practicing 청손 열패 (Cheong-son Yeolpae, Eng: Blue Hand Thunderclap). This style is Bladeless Bushido version of what was been know as Qigong to most. This was been a special technique, teaching to me by Master Choi in my former village of mine. He always saying, "To slap like thunder, must flow like river, but with the power of storm."

This was close to what I was doing, however some motion as adapt to use horse stance with focus on 직물력 동역학" (Jikmullyeok Dongyeokhak), known in West as "Serape Effect".

Day 1: Cheong-son Yeolpae Practice
- Exercises: Today was been doing Cheong-son Yeolpae, moving slow but hitting like the thunder. Many much focus on breath, with each exhale bringing a storm of power.
- Focus Gate: The Gate of Harmony

Workout Overview:
My session of today was been all about the balance - harmony between the calm of the mind and the storm of my slap of mine. Like Master Choi was been teaching, "Your calm of yours is the storm's eye."

I remember, was a cold morning in our village, Master Choi took me to the hilltop. He showed me the internal bushido of Cheong-son Yeolpae. He said, "This not just about power, it about making your opponent feel the calm before the let his guard of his down and believe all is well....lulled into a false sense of security..... then BAM, thunderclap hoe!" as he block my forceful surprise attack.


However, he turn around with wince of pain and he say to me "Your hand of yours fam, it will make thunder cower like dog in slaughterhouse."

Gate Focus: The Gate of Harmony
This practice is perfectly fitting into The Gate of Harmony. It's like dance, where each movement, even though it is slow, is packed with the energy of a mighty storm waiting to unleash. Master Choi he was always shake me very hard and emphasize, "Hey you young man! In harmony, find strength! In stillness, you find speed! You look like you stuck in iceburg you can no move well str8 granny slappin not double pump like you should!". Legend has it that ones who was bless to come to Earth realm through Gate of Power have much trouble finding the Gate of balance, harmony, and fluidity. I believe this to be true.

Today, was a good day for remembering lessons from Master Choi in my former village of mine. Cheong-son Yeolpae is way of life, teaching us how to be like water - calm on surface but mighty in depth. My training of today was certainment a bridge between past and present...East and West... carrying forward the wisdom of Master Choi to the great #bluecollarwarrior sport of #PowerSlap....Each slap, a thunderclap echoing through time.

Walahi fam.
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1 April 2024

This morning, I was having been awakening with the sun, ready to embrace Master Choi his teachings of 청손 열패 (Cheong-son Yeolpae, Eng: Blue Hand Thunderclap) but with a twist, infusing the essence of "직물력 동역학" (Jikmullyeok Dongyeokhak), known to the western lands as the "Serape Effect". All this, while standing firm in the horse stance, as immovable as the earth itself, yet ready to strike with the fluidity of water.


-med ball serape exercises: 3 difference variations, each done 3 x 5 in each direction ***
-banded jump-squats: 10 x 5 with 90lb band
-banded forward jumps: 5 x 5 with 90lb band
-full windup: 3 x 5 each arm
-no windup: 3 x 5 each arm

***I was use this video from Western Exercise Philosopher on YouTube website as inspiration, but adapt for use horse stance instead:

Focus Gate
Many much focus today on the Gates of Power and Balance, as well as calling upon Gate of Resilience in order to push through to the end of this workout.

Lessons from Master Choi

As Master Choi once told me, on a morning much like this one, "To master the power, must understand the water." Today, I felt the spirit of his within me. I remember when learning in our practice back inna day I have biggest epiphany in my whole life of mine.

I say "Master Choi I think I was understand these gates now fam it was like Avatar Airbender USB you was have to merge all element together!". He look at me with his both two eyez and give me thunderclap style str8 to dome. "You are WEEB bro! And Weeb was just another word for child! I forbid you from watch NOT EVEN ONCE FAM!" he say as he give me impromptu stomach condition exercise with ball-of-foot. From then on he call me Avatarded.

I am grateful for his guidance as it was teach me the importance of discipline and maintain connection with Gate of Resilience, which I call upon today toward end of workout instead of Goku or Ippo. Cartoon was just make you been weak bro 💯
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2 April 2024

Today, was embarking on special journey, not just of body, but of spirit too. My training of today, it was like walking through ancient forest, learning to speak with trees and winds, unblocking the pathways of chakra and filling up where qi was having been too quiet for sound of thunderclap.


Warming the Spirits
Was beginning with Clearing Blocked Pathways on both my sides, like ancient healer finding where the energy was stuck and whispering it free.

Right Side Clearing: Calling upon the spirits to clear the blocked chakra in the Pec Minor Spirit, Levator Scapulae Spirit, and the whispering Scalenes Spirit. They was tight, like old doors that was been needing wd40 spirit, but with patience, they was start to open.

Left Side Clearing: The Rhomboid Spirit and Rear Delt Spirit had their pathways blocked too, was like clearing fog from the mountain pass with the breath of dawn.

Filling the Silence
After the pathways was feeling more open, was time to Energize the Qi Deficit areas, inviting the energy to fill the spaces that was been too quiet to enter Gate of Power. For this I do resistance band work for isolate qi pathway.

Left Side Energizing: Summoning the qi into the Serratus Anterior Dragon and the mighty Latissimus Dorsi Tiger. They was been needing more life, more fire.

Right Side Energizing: The Rear Delt Phoenix and Rhomboid Wolf, calling the qi to awaken them from their slumber, to join the dance of energy.

Dance of the Five Winds
With pathways clear and qi flowing, was time for Dance of the Five Winds.

-Three Sister Windup Storm Dance: Moving with the banded windup variations for 15 minutes, feeling the resistance like it was the air itself trying to hold me back. But I, like the storm, was unstoppable. This was focus on 3 sister of windup superset: Pull back with striking arm to simulate impending storm, push through with striking arm to destroy all in your path, then follow through with band on non-striking hand.

-Crashing Wave Dance: Employ continuous fluid yet powerful strike on reflex bag, alternating arm every 8 repetition for 10 min straight, no rest just as spirit of monsoon.

-Thunderclap Echoes: And then, the reflex bag. 3 set of 100 slap per set, each one a declaration of my power, my control, sending echoes of thunder into the world to follow the lighting strike of Crashing Wave technique. Power is not full, but make up for with accuracy, fluidity, and reflection gates.

Gate Focus: The Gate of Harmony and The Gate of Power
This day, was been a walk t hrough the Gate of Harmony, where spirit and body learn to sing the same song. But also, was charging headfirst into The Gate of Power, where each movement was an expression of the earth's strength and the whisper of the wind's speed.

Lessons from Master Choi
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Master Choi, back inna day of learning under bro's watchful eye, he was say to me, "Hey you my student, you was like the river that knows no obstacle. Your power is vast, your spirit was been willing, but you must learn the way of harmony, the dance of qi."

This was when he was show me Dance of the 5 Winds. However, I no catch on quickly which alarm him as I was have first battle of mine with feared man with Southern Style technique which I was not have know anything about.

He say to me "Fam you finna get str8 BUCK inda 1st rd move like this lmfaollll!!! Dat yute you gowan up against ain't no joke fam 🚫🧢 ain't lost NOT ONCE fam he gotta sick overhand slap u ain't see comin' good luck bracing for a shot like dat just Saiyan ain't no disrespect just keepin' it a buck 💯 🦌🚫🧢🧢". I say "I no understand your words Master Choi".

At dat moment he blow smoke from ital spliff in my face if mine and I feel thunderous force in left side of my face of mine. "Told u u wasn't rdy fam" he say to me as I lay on ground and he extinguish ital spliff on my right temple. "Tomorrow we was train in Southern style. Very different. All aboot speed fam! You ain't got NONE of dat special sauce whereas opponent have it on lock 🚅 🔐 🗣️ 📠🚫🖨️!"

Master Choi was always great at bring lesson from Gate of Resilience into all lesson plan, with each scar an historical reminder of what the body was can endure.
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