After 25 years watching NBA again - where to start?

Go call the Mounties, son. Daddy's home.

I concede that I mixed up illegal defense rules.
I don't need you to concede that you bringing up Ewing ended this thread lmfao.

50% for an "all time great" is a black eye for the 90's.

You inadvertently shut down, not only your own arguments (and I use that term loosely( but the thread as well. Probably best you tuck tail in this thread and avoid the NBA thread for at least a few weeks until your stupidity blows over . Lmfao
I concede that I mixed up illegal defense rules.
I don't need you to concede that you bringing up Ewing ended this thread lmfao.

50% for an "all time great" is a black eye for the 90's.

You inadvertently shut down, not only your own arguments (and I use that term loosely( but the thread as well. Probably best you tuck tail in this thread and avoid the NBA thread for at least a few weeks until your stupidity blows over . Lmfao

50% mid-range and 57% from the field, son. In an era with actual defense and not a bunch of cans playing touch-butt.

This is what you brought into this thread and I shut you right down.

Patrick Ewing shot 36% from outside the paint.

Beg harder for Daddy to leave you alone.

Lol at MARTCAN's Gen Z ass getting dumped on his head. Now you can get the fuck right out of here.

I stopped paying attention after I saw some can comparing Top 10 center Patrick Ewing to Jonas Valanciunas.
Lmfao. "Top ten center" of the 90s. A career .504% shooter that never made an all defense first team, and couldn't create his own shot. He wouldn't be playable in the 21st century. honestly never know if the 90s crew are actually trolling or not.
Lmfao. "Top ten center" of the 90s. A career .504% shooter that never made an all defense first team, and couldn't create his own shot. He wouldn't be playable in the 21st century. honestly never know if the 90s crew are actually trolling or not.
Fake news
Indeed he is.

I genuinely feel bad for you having this dork in your country. Canada deserves better.

Patrick Ewing would obliterate the modern paint.

Then again, he'd probably foul out in the first quarter of every game due to the incessant whining, flopping and theatre of this new game. Prime Barkley is averaging 35 in the modern era!
Patrick Ewing would obliterate the modern paint.

Then again, he'd probably foul out in the first quarter of every game due to the incessant whining, flopping and theatre of this new game. Prime Barkley is averaging 35 in the modern era!

I can't even imagine the damage guys like Barkley and Ewing would do right now. Bodies would be all over the floor.
If I had to advise to the Alien to get some knowledge of NBA in last 25 years: watch 2004, 2009, 2013, 2016, 2019 NBA Finals firstly.
Basketball is pretty much at a historic peak in terms of talent right now. The amount of people playing and wanting to be basketball stars and the money in it for the athletes are at all time highs. Damn, the best 5 players are ALL foreign born - Jokic, Embiid, Gilgeous-Alexander, Doncic and Antetokounmpo. This was unimaginable in prior eras. The game got a lot more global post dream team era when at that time the rest of world were a collection of cans for the most part. The depth of shooting is at an all-time high - it's not like there are less American players now with hoop dreams. The defense is rather hampered because the league wants offense because offense sells. One can argue that it's not optimal from a purists perspective, but it's foolish to deny the NBA has ever been more talent rich.


People were speculating about an eventual foreign takeover of the NBA as early as the 1980s; guys like Dominique, Ewing and Hakeem were already dominating back then.

By 1998 (Jordan's final ring), probably 5 of the top 15 NBA players were foreign-born:
  1. Timmy
  2. Dikembe
  3. Hakeem
  4. Ewing
  5. Divac

People might push back on Divac being top 15, since he was never All-NBA, but this was during the era of Shaq, David Robinson, Zo etc, when almost half of the top 15 played center.
Basketball is pretty much at a historic peak in terms of talent right now. The amount of people playing and wanting to be basketball stars and the money in it for the athletes are at all time highs. Damn, the best 5 players are ALL foreign born - Jokic, Embiid, Gilgeous-Alexander, Doncic and Antetokounmpo. This was unimaginable in prior eras. The game got a lot more global post dream team era when at that time the rest of world were a collection of cans for the most part. The depth of shooting is at an all-time high - it's not like there are less American players now with hoop dreams. The defense is rather hampered because the league wants offense because offense sells. One can argue that it's not optimal from a purists perspective, but it's foolish to deny the NBA has ever been more talent rich.

There is definitely fewer. High school competitive basketball participation in 2021-22 was at the lowest in a decade. The sport's glamour has declined, but then, so have almost all sports. American kids just aren't as active and don't care as much about sporting glory as past generations. The tide finally broke, and rolled back.
There is definitely fewer. High school competitive basketball participation in 2021-22 was at the lowest in a decade. The sport's glamour has declined, but then, so have almost all sports. American kids just aren't as active and don't care as much about sporting glory as past generations. The tide finally broke, and rolled back.

I think its a "what comes up must go down" sorta thing. Every major urban center has a public basketball court every few blocks. At some point higher participation just isn't possible. There are currently 10 basketball courts I could reach by walking for an hour and those are just the outdoor ones.

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