A PorchRabbit's Road to Redemption


Green Belt
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Hello everyone, I figured it is about time to start my own log as motivation to keep me in the weight room now that I "retired" from competitive sports. I just graduated college this last May. I was a collegiate basketball player and have been in sports all my life. These sports always demanded that I lived in the weight room, and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

From the time my season ended this last March until this last week, I hadn't lifted a single weight or even touched a basketball for that matter. Needless to say, my numbers are significantly lower than when I was in my peak shape. Since I actually enjoy working out, my goal is to turn lifting into a consistent activity for the remainder of my healthy years. But first, my short term goal is to get my lifting numbers back to where my old PRs used to be.

I used to only do Olympic lifts so I technically never really knew my deadlift PR, but I am switching from my normal Olympic routines to a 531 with deadlift. I will continue to keep the push press in place of the SOHP for now.

Age: 22
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 250

PRs (All from last summer of 2012):
Clean: 280
Squat: 405
Push Press: 235
Bench: 305

Beginning Numbers (7/22/13):
Deadlift: 315
Squat: 325
Push Press: 195
Bench: 225

Current Numbers (Updated 5/21/14)
Sumo Deadlift: 545
Squat: 465
SOHP: 210
Push Press: 225
Bench: 325
Clean: 300
Front Squat: 385

My plan is for only two days of lifting each week. The other days I want to start some serious biking, and as much pick-up basketball as I can find.
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Finally made it back in to the gym.


Bench Press


Pause Dips
-2 Sets of 4

Today was my third day of lifting since I have returned. I am on my 2nd wave for my first cycle of 531.

I could already tell that I have already gained a good amount of noob gains since my workouts last week. I expect these relatively fast noob gains to continue until I am about 80-90% away from my old PRs.

Core Lifts




DB Bench:
4 sets of 10 @ 70lbs

Leg Press:
4 sets of 10 @ 275lbs

DB Rows:
3 sets of 8 @ 75lbs

Leg Curls:
3 sets of 8 @ 165lbs
fuck man, FOCUS. Us tallbrahs need to band together.

Today's lifts are when I really hate being at a commercial gym. I feel I can never really push myself as hard as I would like to since I have to use a weight for both my core lifts that I know I wont fail and can rack without dropping the weights too hard.

I was also reminded about how much I suck at body weight exercises.

Core Lifts

Push Press



Bent Over Row

Hanging Leg Raises

Band-Assisted Chin Ups
-2 Sets of 10

Good Mornings
Haha Ya shit man that was a bad streak. I started a new job then stopped going to the gym. But now that I'm not as new and now into a routine, I think I can keep up the lifting again. Made it today at least. So I hope to back into my diet and routine again.


Still kind of easing into it this week. Surprisingly I don't feel that weak considering the two months off.


Assisted chin ups
-3 Sets of 8

Ski width squat holds
-4 Sets of 35 seconds

Face Pulls
-3 Sets of 12

Noob gains are still coming nicely. I can tell I am already a lot stronger than 2 weeks ago.

Core Lifts


Bench Press


-4 Sets of 10

Leg Press
-4 Sets of 10 at 450

DB Row
Well I was out again for a week or so due to having pneumonia. I'm better now and just got a quick lift in before NFL Sunday.



Bench Press

I am going to have to get a video of my deadlift on here for some critique. I only recently started deadlifting and I have been squatting my whole life, but I know my deadlift should be a lot higher than it currently is relative to my squat.

Core Lifts

Push Press



Band-Assisted Chin Ups
-3 Sets of 10

Good Mornings

Bent Over Row

Hanging Leg Raises

Core Lifts


Bench Press


Leg Curls
-3 Sets of 8 @ 165lbs

-2 Sets of 12

DB Row
-2 Sets of 8 @ 80lbs

I had to do my workout a day early this week since I have surgery tomorrow morning to get my wisdom teeth removed. I didn't want to risk being too messed up the next two days and miss a workout.

Core Lifts

Push Press



Chin Ups
-10 Sets of 3
-5 Sets of 5

Good Mornings

Hammer Curls
-3 Sets of 6

Hanging Leg Raises
-6 Sets of 6
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Core Lifts





Leg Press

Leg Curls

DB Rows

Core Lifts

Push Press



Pull Ups
-8 Sets of 3
-4 Sets of 5

Good Mornings

Hanging Leg Raises
-4 Sets of 8

Hammer Curls
-3 Sets of 6
Welcome to the logs!

So are you ditching Oly completely?
Welcome to the logs!

So are you ditching Oly completely?

For now I am. I want to get my strength back before I get back into Oly. Also, I am in the middle of transitioning to a new housing situation so I don't have a good gym right now. I don't like Oly lifting in the commercial gym I am at for now. So hopefully I will get back into my Oly routine before the year's end.

My squat completely sucked today. I was supposed to get 335 for 1+ but I felt really weird and bailed. It has never happened before and I don't know if I am somewhat over-training (which I don't think is the case) or if it had to do with a terrible recovery weekend full of alcohol. My strength was there and the weights felt good, but I started shaking so uncontrollably with the weight that it actually looked like I had Parkinson's whenever I stepped back with the weight.

Core Lifts


Bench Press


-3 Sets of 12

Bent-Over Row
-3 Sets of 8 @125lbs

Leg Curls
-3 Sets of 8 @160lbs

Push Ups
-2 Sets of 20

Core Lifts


Push Press


Chin Ups
-8 Sets of 3

Hanging Leg Raises
-3 Sets of Hold

Good Mornings
-3 Sets of 8 @145lbs

Hammer Curls
-3 Sets of 8 @ 45lbs

My squat completely sucked today. I was supposed to get 335 for 1+ but I felt really weird and bailed. It has never happened before and I don't know if I am somewhat over-training (which I don't think is the case) or if it had to do with a terrible recovery weekend full of alcohol. My strength was there and the weights felt good, but I started shaking so uncontrollably with the weight that it actually looked like I had Parkinson's whenever I stepped back with the weight.

And they say alcohol is bad for you. Pfft.

I just started my third cycle in a row today with no deload week. I am contemplating whether or not I should drop the deadlift this week(or cycle even) and replace it with a clean or snatch and then pick it back up after my deload week following this cycle. I would really appreciate any opinions on to whether this is a good idea or if I should just keep the deadlift.

My concern is whether I was foolish to skip a second straight deload week. I am completely unsure what to do. Every single lift today I felt stronger than ever, suggesting I am doing fine and should keep the deadlift this week. But my squat felt like it was slowing down(albeit was still an improved weight) and my lower back felt like it was fatiguing much faster than normal throughout the whole workout. I am not sure if I should just keep rolling and pushing myself until the end of the cycle, or play it safe and replace the deadlift with an olympic lift(so I will still be lifting hard just without deadlifting) so that I don't wear myself out for the next month or two.

I also randomly threw in some cleans today. I don't know why, but I was just in the mood so I thought what the hell. It was really random and didn't follow any structure I just kept adding weight and doing reps until I moved on to my normal program. I kept it relatively light and didn't really push myself on them.

Core Lifts

Power Clean


Bench Press


One-legged Squat
-2 Sets of 10 @BW

-3 Sets of 12

DB Rows
-2 Sets of 8 @90
-1 Set of 6 @90
(This is where I really felt that my lower back was extremely fatigued for some reason)
Nothing wrong with taking a week off the DL if you feel that that lift in particular - or the lower back - would benefit from a mini-deload.

Core Lifts

Push Press



Chin Ups
-8 Sets of 3
-4 Sets of 5

Good Mornings
-3 Sets of 8 @135lbs

Hanging Leg Raises
-3 Sets of 8

Hammer Curls
-3 Sets of 6 @ 45lbs

Core Lifts

Power Clean


Bench Press


-3 Sets of 12

Core Lifts

Push Press



Chin Ups
-8 Sets of 3
-3 Sets of 6

Bent Over Rows

Good Mornings

Hammer Curls
-2 Sets of 8 @40lbs

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