A PorchRabbit's Road to Redemption


BW: 254

Bumped my squat training max up another 20lbs vs last week to 195 now and it still felt easy. Good to see my max jumping 20ish lbs each week for now. I guess it’s easy when you start at 0lbs max.. Might also be due to wearing my rehbands and oly shoes again for the first time.. Also bumped Bench Press up 10lbs vs last week to 180 training max.


Assisted Chinups

Bench Press

SL Squats

Face Pulls

BW: 252
Having a horrible problem with shakiness/tremors through my whole body through the last year or so. Was pretty embarrassing deadlifting with extreme shakiness on the descent. Really have been meaning to get to a doctor to find out what’s up. Hopefully not something like Parkinson’s or something (serious). Really hoping it’s still from Kratom use/withdrawal that lingers for awhile, considering it’s day 35 now.

Dead Lift

SOHP (forgot it was 3s week, but still used the 3s weight)

Kroc Rows

Back Extensions

Leg Curls

Hammer Curls

Face Pulls

BW: 252
Having a horrible problem with shakiness/tremors through my whole body through the last year or so. Was pretty embarrassing deadlifting with extreme shakiness on the descent. Really have been meaning to get to a doctor to find out what’s up. Hopefully not something like Parkinson’s or something (serious). Really hoping it’s still from Kratom use/withdrawal that lingers for awhile, considering it’s day 35 now.

Dead Lift

SOHP (forgot it was 3s week, but still used the 3s weight)

Kroc Rows

Back Extensions

Leg Curls

Hammer Curls

Face Pulls

Oi! What are you up to?
Oi! What are you up to?
Holy hell. Did not realize last session was in Feb… time flies


252 lbs

A lot of changes last 6 months. Finally moved back to Omaha a month ago and all settled in. Finally back to a reasonably sized city with lots of gyms/choices/etc. Day one. Starting with 185 squat and 185 bench training max. 531 again. But still not going for powerlifting gains like I did years ago. Just trying to be in shape for thinks like skiing, hiking, etc. Basically want to get strong while staying lower weight.

Pretty quick today due to going during lunch. Also want to start easy so I don’t sabotage myself and quit later this week due to not being able to move. Goal is to get a couple consistent weeks in even if low intensity, just so I get the habit going and let my addictive personality take over from there.


Bench Press

SL Squat DBs

Lat Pulldowns
Last edited:

Niiiice and eaaaasyy

-45 Min


Next week will be off a bit. Wedding party in New York. Not back to the gym until Wednesday.

BW: 252



Leg Curls

DB Rows

Back Extensions

Face Pulls

Short week last week ruined any planned workouts. But did minor stuff like hiking the adirondacks and then easy treadmill/elliptical stuff last week.


Incline Bench (no bench available)

Lat Pulldowns

Seated Leg Press

Hammer Curls

Did some stuff last week, but didn’t record it. A brand new gal so I was lazy and skipping workouts to hang out each day. Back at it today. I refuse to not be ready for ski season again. Using 315 DL and 115 SOHP as training max today. I definitely don’t feel stronger. I’ve lost weight in the last two weeks and the calories I’ve got haven’t been very nutritious lol. Lots of ice cream and shit.. will also start eating better now that I finally went to get groceries instead of living off of takeout..



DB Rows

Leg Curls

BW: 252

Upped training max to 195 squat and 195 bench for today’s session.


Bench Press

SL DB Squat

Lat Pulldowns

Hammer Curls

Can’t believe it’s been a full month… doesn’t feel that long. Caught a bad case of Covid. Had to go in to hospital for awhile for oxygen. Feel much better. However, still feel very weak. So will see how this goes. Resetting training max again to 185 for both haha. Eaaaassingggg into it. Only squat and bench and rows today.

Post lift edit: weirdly, I am/have been super weak last few weeks. However, the weights didn’t seem hard one bit.. could have probably just stayed with the training maxes I was using a month ago…


Bench Press

Seated Rows

Can’t believe it’s been a full month… doesn’t feel that long. Caught a bad case of Covid. Had to go in to hospital for awhile for oxygen. Feel much better. However, still feel very weak. So will see how this goes. Resetting training max again to 185 for both haha. Eaaaassingggg into it. Only squat and bench and rows today.

Post lift edit: weirdly, I am/have been super weak last few weeks. However, the weights didn’t seem hard one bit.. could have probably just stayed with the training maxes I was using a month ago…


Bench Press

Seated Rows

Talk about coincidence of when you posted and my reappearance…

lost access to a gym all this time. Just been doing walks and runs in the meantime… still weak beyond belief. But just got a new gym so back into the gym as my true love is lifting, not running. No structure today, just trying to get the debilitating comeback soreness out of the way this week…


Bench Press

Kroc Rows

DB Flys

Hammer Curls
Talk about coincidence of when you posted and my reappearance…

lost access to a gym all this time. Just been doing walks and runs in the meantime… still weak beyond belief. But just got a new gym so back into the gym as my true love is lifting, not running. No structure today, just trying to get the debilitating comeback soreness out of the way this week…


Bench Press

Kroc Rows

DB Flys

Hammer Curls

Welcome back to the boards, hombre! One day at a time - you'll be back faster than you think.
Was still doing workouts since last post. Just was so sore I couldn’t move, it was all super light stuff just to loosen up.

I’ve lost about 15 lbs in the last month unintentionally and in an unhealthy way (basically just not eating at all). So extremely weak feeling and broken down. First things first will be trying to eat enough to maintain weight at least. Taking the lifting easy until I get that in order. Just lots of jogging otherwise.

Starting with training max: 185 squat / 185 Bench Press



Bench Press

Lat Pull Downs

-10 min

Keeping everything super slow for time being. Still not sure I’m hitting needed calories due to no hunger for last couple weeks and probably at least another week due to an issue I won’t delve into here. But want to make sure I don’t hurt myself right away. Currently 237 lbs. Lightest I’ve been since college bball. Vs the 300lbs I was 7 years ago when hitting my PRs of 465 squat/545 dl/350 bench…

Starting with 275 training max deadlift and 110 SOHP



Leg Curls

Kroc Rows

Face Pulls (with terrible triangle handle instead of rope…)

Started last week using 195 training max squat and 185 bench. SLOW, got to remind myself that whenever I walk. Want to start the whole return in a light and conservative way.



Assisted Chin Ups

Hammy single leg touch thing (can’t remember name after all these years..) absolutely no balance on these right now. Falling all over sadly

Hammer Curls


Gonna start tracking weight again so I make sure I’m not losing weight. Lost another 5 lbs unintentionally in the last two weeks. So I took some days off the last few days until I could get diet in order. Despite the weight loss, squat was for sure stronger week over week. Upped training max for squat to 205 and kept bench steady at 185. Did get an extra two reps on bench WoW though.


Bench Press

Lat Pull Downs (different resistance than normal/don’t know weight)

Just a status update. Didn’t fall off the workout wagon. Broke my leg (tibia and fibula) last Sunday March 27th (my birthday haha). Had surgery Monday to put a metal rod down my leg. So won’t be in the gym anytime too soon. At least until I can walk some without crutches and then do upper body stuff at least.
Just a status update. Didn’t fall off the workout wagon. Broke my leg (tibia and fibula) last Sunday March 27th (my birthday haha). Had surgery Monday to put a metal rod down my leg. So won’t be in the gym anytime too soon. At least until I can walk some without crutches and then do upper body stuff at least.
Get healed up soon. That's no minor wrist fracture. Takes a hellova blow to break a leg.
Get healed up soon. That's no minor wrist fracture. Takes a hellova blow to break a leg.

Thanks! Already doing much better. Got rid of the walker a day ago so things are progressing. Going to start the return to the gym this week. Will only be upper body only for a good while (besides physical therapy of course). Gonna get my Johnny Bravo on.

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