Law 9 year-old boy served VPO at school


The world is your Indian taco
Platinum Member
Apr 24, 2007
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Saw this on our local news and thought it was pretty odd. If your kid was being bullied would you go this far?

SHAWNEE, Okla. (KFOR) – On Wednesday morning, Pottawatomi County deputies served a 9-year-old boy in Shawnee with a victim protective order (VPO) while at school for allegedly stalking and harassing another classmate.

“I’m a mother that is going to move heaven or earth to say stop your violence against my child,” said Elsy Goggin, mother of the girl who is allegedly being bullied.
She didn't go far enough imho.

It depends, what was happening? From the article it doesn't seem like anything that egregious even took place, just that some kid was annoying a little girl with constant unwanted attention.

This mother might be one of those helicopter Karen types, who did some serious overreacting, but it's hard to tell with such little information available.

They also don't mention the father at all. I wonder if he's in the picture, as it's a father's job to protect his daughter. If he is, it's possible he's somewhere with his head in one hand and a beer in the other, because his crazy baby mother went and acted ridiculous again over kids being kids. But, again, too little information to tell.
There’s not really enough information on what happened to say whether this is justified or not. If the child is bullying the girl than this probably isn’t a bad idea. It shows other kids that are doing the same thing what the consequences of their actions are.
This step definitely seems like a last ditch effort.
There's better ways of settling things like this. It's a little ridiculous for cops to show up to an elementary school to do that. You mean it couldn't have been done at the child's home?

What sucks is the kid who the other parents claim is a problem seems to be being raised by his grandmother and she has zero issues with his behavior. I don't think the parents working it out together would ever work if one side thinks that there are no problems.
Sounds reasonable. We need to also pass laws that make parents liable for kids who bully. There are too many loser parents out there that think bullying is a good thing who need to do jail time to teach them a lesson.
Saw this on our local news and thought it was pretty odd. If your kid was being bullied would you go this far?

SHAWNEE, Okla. (KFOR) – On Wednesday morning, Pottawatomi County deputies served a 9-year-old boy in Shawnee with a victim protective order (VPO) while at school for allegedly stalking and harassing another classmate.

“I’m a mother that is going to move heaven or earth to say stop your violence against my child,” said Elsy Goggin, mother of the girl who is allegedly being bullied.
If this is true, fuck the little brat, "The court documents include a handwritten report by the mother of a girl in the boy’s class. In the report, she claimed her daughter is being harassed and stalked. She adds it’s been happening for months, and she’s filed several reports with police and the school."

I hate bullies.

If it's not true, why was a protective order granted?
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Unfortunately, many kids are raised so poorly that you really have no option other than to get some form of government involved. The school is going to not get involved until it starts looking bad for them and you may as well forget about parents dishing out any discipline. Sad as it is, your only options are getting DHS or police involved. Anything else and you risk ending up in jail yourself.
If this is true, fuck the little brat, "The court documents include a handwritten report by the mother of a girl in the boy’s class. In the report, she claimed her daughter is being harassed and stalked. She adds it’s been happening for months, and she’s filed several reports with police and the school."

I hate bullies and they can all die in one big fire for all I care.

If it's not true, why was a protective order granted?
Happened with my daughter when she was in elementary school. I had to teach my daughter to defend herself. This kid kept touching her, and not in a way I care to describe here. Did the same to other girls in his class too (which I didn't find out until later). When we called the school, they told us it was just horseplay , kids being kids. I'm not sure I call a kid sticking his hand down the back of my daughters pants in story circle horseplay.
So anyway, I spent a weekend teaching my daughter to kick this kids ass. He tried some shit with her one day and she smacked him on the nose. From what I heard, this kid reacted as though he were being murdered. Later that evening, the phone rings, and its my daughter's principal. You probably think he was calling to apologize or see if my daughter was OK but no. He wanted to now what we were doing to punish our child. True story, no bullshit. My wife was talking on the phone, she told me what he said and I said "Tell that asshole that my daughter is in school to learn not to be molested." That last word was the key. Once I said that word, they got DHS involved. Before that, they protected the kid, it was everyone else's problem.
A few days later, my wife was talking to another parent from the school and said her daughter had the same issues with that boy and apparently she wasn't the only one. Worst part is, after several girls complained about it, their teacher told them not to be busy bodies and if they saw things going on lke this, to mind their own business. How's that for a message from your kids teacher, eh?
How does a 9 year old stalk someone at school? It's not like they're running around unsupervised all day.

This seems like overkill to me.
If this is true, fuck the little brat, "The court documents include a handwritten report by the mother of a girl in the boy’s class. In the report, she claimed her daughter is being harassed and stalked. She adds it’s been happening for months, and she’s filed several reports with police and the school."

I hate bullies and they can all die in one big fire for all I care.

If it's not true, why was a protective order granted?
Who said it wasn't true? I said it was odd for something like this to involve 9 year-olds.
Unfortunately, many kids are raised so poorly that you really have no option other than to get some form of government involved. The school is going to not get involved until it starts looking bad for them and you may as well forget about parents dishing out any discipline. Sad as it is, your only options are getting DHS or police involved. Anything else and you risk ending up in jail yourself.
Yep. And even worse, there are often times when DHS won't even handle it.
Indeed, bullies are the worst. Let em all be shot and pissed on and nothing of value will be lost.

It's tough because bullies are often the manifestation of awful situations at home, terrible parenting, and lack of discipline both at home and at school. Bullies do suck for the other kids and their parents but I also genuinely feel bad for them because they're often dealing with a shitty situation themselves. One thing I noted is that the grandmother of the bully was speaking in the article which suggests his parents aren't around.

When the school and parents/guardians won't do anything, as seems to be the case here, then I have no problem with something like this happening. It's unfortunate but kids deserve to go to school to learn and have fun. There will be difficult situations along the way but they shouldn't be constantly harassed and bullied with the school and parents/guardians not doing anything about it.

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