290 to 260

Alright. I back. I feel relatively healed up, so it is time to enter pro-training stage in my life.
I have been in contact with some additional gyms in Toronto, going to train at 3-4, depending on the partners I find. Stand up technique and strength and conditioning at my gym : Undisputed MMA. Stress on kettlebells and strongman training - we just finished building additional facility for S&C.

My grappling is severely lacking - so far it relies on using my natural gifts to bully people around, but eventually I will run in someone more athletic than I am. Going to train ground game a lot from now.

I decided to up calories to 3000. Since I am going to train a lot - deficit is still pretty huge, but I need food to stop torturing my body with emergency diets.

Day 176: -

Bread (last time) - 360 calories.
Sandwhich (last time) - 600
Coffee (last time) - 100.
Sweet potatoes ( 550 grams ) - 450 calories.
Meat ground : - ~740 cals.
Apple Cider: ~400 cals,
Qucker Bars - 240.
Apple, 3 bananas - ~360.

Total: ~2860.

Training: Walking - 30 minutes, Cleaning up apartment: 2 hours, Moving new TV - 20 minutes.
Also my apologies for the hiatus: Moving in/out, sleeping at friends, then at the gym, stress with work interviews, then finding a roommate... saw 12 people before finding a proper "bro" for my place.

I got a bit chubbier, but my days were pretty active, I doubt I gained that much, mostly water.
Day 177: -
Moved in. Got a new roommate, all good: really cool guy.

Training : 2 hours mma, paid to one gym already. Black devil mma in toronto, the other one is real mma (Russian) hopefully I will train with misha cirkunov, team impact wrestling and my own undisputed mma. Time to twork.

Walking: 1.3 hours.

calories: ~2700.

Note: sleep was bad during last 2 weeks hopefully less stress now. Going to smoke some JJJJJ tonight. I want to start doing proper Intermittent Fasting Regime - technically I got to 260 a week ago hah. So it is time to implement the second phase of my diet program - high calories, pro-style of training, some intermittent fasting thrown in.
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You made it to 260?! Way to go man!

Honestly, when I first read this thread I did not have high hopes - but you've managed to make it despite your obvious insanity. Here's hoping you can find some stability in your life/nutrition/training and keep the train rolling. Good job man.
You made it to 260?! Way to go man!

Honestly, when I first read this thread I did not have high hopes - but you've managed to make it despite your obvious insanity. Here's hoping you can find some stability in your life/nutrition/training and keep the train rolling. Good job man.

Yes, its nice to see him lose some weight even though we're clearly not reading things written by a person with a clear mind.

sort fo sad really regarding the deusions but good with the weiht loss.
Thanks for considering me a lunatic..

I don't usually talk to people about my thoughts too much, so this blog/log was sort of an outlet to me - I have been ranting a bit every night before bed, when I usually was a bit tired, sometimes to hype me up for another day.

Point taken though, will keep it to a minimum ;).

Edit: ";)".
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Thanks for considering me a lunatic..

I don't usually talk to people about my thoughts too much, so this blog/log was sort of an outlet to me - I have been ranting a bit every night before bed, when I usually was a bit tired, sometimes to hype me up for another day.

Point taken though, will keep it to a minimum.

Don't take it like that, if this is a place where you're comfortable cutting loose and rambling through your thought process continue to do so. Not everything is so serious on the internet.
Don't take it like that, if this is a place where you're comfortable cutting loose and rambling through your thought process continue to do so. Not everything is so serious on the internet.

I forgot to add an emoticon there, definitely not offended.

But I suppose, my rants do look weird ).

Anyways, Day 179: 265 ( didn't gain as much as I expected from hiatus )


Note: Shoot, ended up smoking p$t with rmmt friends and eating around 1200 calories (6 cups of cheerios) and ~100 grams of trail mix.

Training: 3 mile 30 minutes HIIT. Walking around 45 minutes around campus.
Kettle-bell circuits.

Feel a bit stressed out, but holding up well. Finally got WiFi at my place.
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day 180: 266 lbs.

Ground pork/Spinach.
Lots of water

Calories ~1800.

Training: Light gym work - footwork, bag work, light kettle bell.
Day 181: -

Diet: 3317 calories.

Training: ...Went to a rave party, had some "magic" help and danced/shuffled for ~4-5 hours. Funny thing, I incorporated mobility routine from my Judo days into continuous shuffling (so instead of steps I would make shuffles), was told it looked cool lol, and I didn't do those moves for the last 8 years. Boy, did I step on a lot of people )). I would assume I spent ~1500 calories. I have to say it took a lot of stress off of me. Good times, I think I will be partying a lot from now on.

Walked a lot during the day to shake the after-effect off ~ 2 hours.
Day 182: -

Diet: 1488 calories. (Mostly bananas/apples/meats/veggies these days)

Training: Light jogging and walking 50/50%, 50 minutes. MMA class, 2, at Black Devils.

Mostly technique focused for now, but my training partners are 220+.

Walking ~1 hour before bed.
Day 183: 266 lbs - Excellent day for weight loss.

Diet: 2144 calories.

Training: Morning light jog - 25 minutes.
Walking - 2 hours. Had many errands to do.
Wrestling...proper one. - 2 hours. My back is cooked.

Bad news is that I won't drive for a while. Good news going to a rave again on Sat.
Day 184: 265.2 lbs

Diet: Lots of apples. Double double, a subway sambitch' - 1757 calories.

Training: Lighter wrestling - 2 hours. Walking - 1 hour in the morning.

Lower back still hurts, been stretching it out like crazy. But then again, I need to use it to strengthen it.
Who is more bad ass?

1. Ivan Poddubnuy.

Competed at 120-144 kg. From young age to winning world championship at age 55! Wrestling matches would sometimes resemble MMA. Was feared and famous across the world.

As a child Ivan sang in a church chorus on Sundays and holidays. From childhood Ivan got accustomed to hard peasant work, and from the age of 12 he worked as a hired farm labourer.

In 1893 — 1896 he worked as a port loader in Sevastopol and Feodosiya, and then in 1896 — 1897 worked as a salesman in the Livas firm.

In 1896 Ivan Poddubny defeated famous athletes of that time — Lurich, Borodanov, Razumov, and Pappi from Italy in Beskaravayniy’ Circus in Feodosiya. The victories marked the start of his extraordinary career as a wrestler.

Ivan Poddubny weighed about 130 kgs and was a vegetarian. From 1897 he performed on circus arenas as a weight lifter athlete and a wrestler. He repeatedly toured in Russia and abroad, having visited about 50 cities in 14 countries.

Though he lost rare fights now and then, but he never lost any competition or tournament in 40 years of performances. He repeatedly won World Cups in Greco-Roman wrestling among professionals, including the most prestigious of them — the one in Paris in 1905 — 1908.

In May, 1915 he won a victory over the champion Alexander Garkavenko (aka Black Mask), and in two days later defeated the champion Ivan Zaikin in Yekaterinoslav.

During the Civil War he worked in circuses of Zhitomir and Kerch. In 1919 he won the best fighter of anarchist Makhno’s army in Berdyansk. In 1920 Ivan Poddubny was arrested by the Odessa Cheka (The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution, Speculation, and Sabotage) and sentences to execution, however, was soon released.

In 1923 — 1924 Poddubny worked in the Russian State Circus, and then spent 3 years touring around Germany and the USA.

On February 23, 1926 all the telegraphs of the world trumpeted the news: “Ivan Poddubny has won over the best wrestlers of the New World in New York and become the Champion of America. The six-time world champion among professionals astounded everybody not only with his phenomenal power and skill, but also with his sports longevity, after all in 1926 he was 55! In 1927 Arkhangelsk defeated the well-known Vologda fighter Mikhail Kulikov.

In November, 1939 in the Moscow Kremlin he was awarded Order of the Red Banner of Labour for outstanding merits “in development of the Soviet sports” and the rank of the Honored Artist of RSFSR.

During World War II Ivan Poddubny in the town of Yeysk (a small resort town on the coast of the Sea of Azov) occupied by Germans. He refused to go to Germany and train German athletes, having said: “I am a Russian fighter. And so will I remain”.

Day 185: 266.7 lbs

Training: 2.5 hours walking (shopping, paperwork ). Going for a light jog now ~20 minutes.
Wrestling really 'cooked' my back: need to patch myself up.

Diet: Found some motivation to do a low calorie day. ~800 ate 5 carrots, and one big head of cauliflower, fried in butter.

Note: Tired, didn't do much today. Tried A&F store - everything there is skinny fit.. even XXL doesn't fit me.

Note: Strangely "on charm" today. Feel very confident and charismatic.
Day 186: 264.8 lbs.

Diet: 7/10 of a whole chicken ~1000 calories. Coffee+Teas, a little bit of fruit and cauliflower.
Total: 1432 calories.

Training: Walking ~1.5 hours. Going clubbing tonight again ~ expect 3-4 hours of fun.

Note: Been kind of shifting to low carb diet lately. I don't know, just feels easier. I am buying whole chickens these days at 7$ - lasts me 2-3 days. Plus heads of cauliflower for minerals and dat fiber - lasts 2-3 days as well.

~5-7$ per day.. that is very low for me. I used to spend around 30$ per day on food. But spoiled youth time is over hah.
Day 187: Ending up eating a lot after clubbing, and then when I woke up as well.

So around 3800 calories for day 186 - walking 2 hours, - clubbing 4 hours.

Around 3400 for day 187 - zero activity, as I was still coming down.

Note: Got a cold.
day 188: 269.5

Compensated for last 2 days.

Diet: Yogurt - 240 calories. Pineapple - 260 cals, Chicken - 300 cals, Cheerious - 300.

Cauliflower+onion ~150 cals.

~1400 for today.

Exercise: light walk - 1 hour. Some study. My head still hurts like hell.
Day 189: Got a bad cold. I think I will take 2 days of rest.

Diet: 1 whole chicken - only meat eaten ~900-1000 calories.
Chicken breast - ~300 calories.
Trail mix - ~200 cals.
Cheerios 1 cup ~240 cals.
Lots of tea with sugar ~200 cals.
2 cups of ice cream - 550
Lots of Frozen Fruit - 860 cals.
Soup ~ 2 large bowls ~600 calories.
Around ~4500 cals today.

NO training - So should have a large surplus today - +1700 cals.
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Day 190: Suspiciously 264.8-266.1 no matter how many times I checked scales.

Maybe I am dehydrated or maybe all that dancing on friday burned more calories than I thought.

I don't look and feel like I am 265 though. I am guessing tomorrow I will be bigger.

Today's calories: ~1750.

Tvorog with cheerious and 2 spoons of sugar ~ 650 cals.
Chicken Shit Soup ~ 400 calories.
Trail Mix ~200 cals.
Coffee - 150 cals
Frozen fruits ~200

Training: Completed LOTS of errands today. Walking ~60 minutes (350 calories)

MMA ~ 2 hours ~1000 calories.

Note: Still have a cold.

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