2018 PotWR Round 1: Registration/Campaign Announcements

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/Led/ blanket
Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2009
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If you are easily offended, please steer clear of these threads while they are in progress. Also, please keep in mind candidates and those involved in the campaigns will embellish facts and possibly inflame different events that have happened in the WR community. This should be seen as entertainment and not taken seriously.

Another year has gone by. Another president (and interim president) has reigned. And now another election begins. It is time for the 2018 PotWR election. Round 1 begins now.

What is the PotWR election?
For the past few years, the War Room community has come together to vote on a president to serve them each year. The election tends to last 4-6 weeks and will determine the 2019 President of the War Room.

What does a President of the War Room do?
Aside from the high honor of being elected by your peers to serve during the year, the President will be awarded their own bully pulpit (sticky thread) during the year. The contents can contain whatever topic(s) they decide so long as it doesn't violate hard forum rules.

How do I ensure I can vote?
You must make sure you requested to be registered before the thread is locked 11/16/18 8:30PM EST. Tag me in your post that you would like to be registered and I will screen your account to see if you are an eligible citizen of the War Room. The criteria is simple:

-200 posts in the War Room in 2018
-Join date is October 2017 or earlier
*Admins (Deep State) and WR Mods (SCOTWR) do not need to fulfill the criteria above
You also are free to help register other members as well who you think want to vote. Just tag me and let me know the poster. You can confirm someone has been registered by checking this OP under the "Registered Voter List"

How do I run for such a high and sacred office as PotWR?
Candidates must make their announcement speeches before Round 1 ends to be considered for Round 2. Please make a speech to the citizens of the War Room about why you are running with something along the lines "I announce my candidacy for the President of the War Room" and tag me in the post. Please keep in mind the length of your post is one of the criteria's to determine what candidates make it to Round 2 (if there are more than 20 candidates) so put some time into the speech. First recognized speech will be used for the tiebreaker criteria so don't mess up on your first announcement. If you intend on announcing but are waiting near the end round 1, please PM me beforehand so you can be prepped for the Round 2 debate. If you fail to do so, you may fail to make it into the Debate (Round 2 OP) despite getting on the ballot (Round 3).

Can I call/endorse for someone else to run?
Of course. Feel free to tag anyone you think would be fit for this position before Round 1 ends in hopes of getting your preferred potential candidate in the race.

I didn't qualify as a registered War Room citizen this year. What should I do?
Voting is a small fraction of the event and your involvement still can be as much as you want it to be. Get involved with a campaign here and go from there. Endorse a candidate. Get posters you think would want involved to register. Get candidates you would like in the election to announce. Grill or praise candidates in the Round 2 debate. Control the narrative of the election with your own breaking news headlines. Track the registry and voting to keep up to date on the current tally of who's in the lead. Become a candidate's campaign manager, etc and seek out votes for them to win. This is election is whatever you make of it.

Further Reading/Rules/Details (Candidates should read this)
Round 1 Registration/ Announcements

This round serves to establish the pool of candidates and who will be eligible to vote in Round 3, 4, & 5. If you want to be eligible to vote, you must make sure you requested to be registered before the thread is locked 11/16/18 8:30PM EST. Once the registered voter list is locked in Round 1, a voter cannot be added or removed (See 2016 Aged Flatus ruling). Moderators and Admins are not eligible to run. Candidates must announce before Round 1 ends to ensure they are considered for Round 2. Candidates must be registered War Room citizens to run. By making an announcement, a poster will be screened first to see if they are qualified to vote and if true, will be added to both the Registered Voter and Candidate lists. In the event that over 20 eligible posters announce their candidacy, a tie-breaker is in place to determine who will remain:
A formula will be used on each candidate to give them a score. This score will determine the order of the voting list of the first 20 candidates (Highest score first to lowest score last). Those with scores lower than 20th rank will not advance to Round 2. If the current PotWR of this calendar year runs again, they will automatically be seeded as 1. The seeding will also play a tiebreaker role in Round 3 as well (see that section). The formula to determine a score is as follows:
(Current Year-Join Date Year)x 1000 = A
Post Count at the time they are added = B
Number of Words in Announcement Speech Post x 5 = C (I will count the first qualified version of the speech, not edits. No redos. Any attempts to game the system with obvious duplication will result in the rest of the speech not being counted)
Number of previous campaigns in prior year(s) by candidate x 1000= D
A+B+C+D= Candidate's Score

Round 2 The Debate/ Townhall
The candidates and seeding for the first ballot (Round 3) will be decided at this point. Just like the registered voter list, the Candidates list will be locked as well. If a candidate drops out, they still will remain on the ballot and be treated as a candidate until the end of the election. Round 2 will serve as the vetting/scrutiny process. A series of questions will be given to each candidate that they will need to answer. I will PM them the questions beforehand (during Round 1) and provide each of their answers in the OP. The OP will serve as the formal debate. From there, anyone will be free to tag and ask the candidates questions, whether hostile or civil. This is the closest you will get to a call out thread opportunity in the WR. That is the price a candidate accepts when declaring to run.

Round 3 The Jungle Primary Round
The primary election will begin. This is the first ballot with all candidates from Round 2 that will determine which four candidates continue on to Round 3. Each candidate will give a speech that will be provided in the OP. Tiebreakers to determine place will be determined by seeding mentioned earlier in the Round 1 section. This will be easy to track as the ballot will list the candidates in order of their seeding (top= highest seed to bottom= lowest seed).
Remember, only War Room registered citizen's votes will be included in the count once the poll closes. Candidates who have lost hope in progressing forward are free to make their concession speeches but please remember, a concession speech isn't anything official and has no affect on which candidates advance.

Round 4 Semi Elimination Election
This round will be a ballot of the remaining four candidates that will determine which two will advance to the general election. Each candidate will give another speech that will be provided in the OP. The two candidates with the most legal/registered votes when the poll closes will move on to the final round. Tiebreaker will be determined by the amount of legal/registered votes a candidate received in the first round. This will be easy to track as the ballot will list the candidates in order from who received the most (top) to the least (bottom).
Remember, only War Room registered citizen's votes will be included in the count once the poll closes. Candidates who have lost hope in progressing forward are free to make their concession speeches but please remember, a concession speech isn't anything official and has no affect on which candidates advance.

Round 5 The General Election
This will be our general election. Two candidates will be left on the ballot. Both candidates will give a speech that will be provided in the OP. Drop-out candidates will also be able to submit any concession and/or endorsement speeches that haven't been made in Round 3 or 4 to be included in the OP. The candidate with the most legal/registered votes when the poll closes will be announced the winner. In the event of a tie, the following tiebreaker will be used:

Each of the prior ballot candidates of this election will have a score assigned to them equal to the number of legal/registered votes they received in the last ballot they were on. When voting for their candidate in the general election, their score will also be applied to that candidate. The general election candidate with the highest score will be crowned the winner. Example: Candidates A & B are on the general election ballot and the final vote is a tie. Prior candidates C, D, & E voted on the ballot. Prior candidate C received 14 registered votes in Round 4. Prior candidate D & E received 5 and 4 registered votes in Round 3 and didn't advance to Round 4. Prior candidate C voted for candidate A and prior candidates D & E voted for candidate B. The winner of the general election would be Candidates A (14 is greater than 9)
Remember, only War Room registered citizen's votes will be included in the count once the poll closes.

The winner of the election will begin their term and be awarded their sticky thread in January 2019. They will serve as acting PotWR for 10 months until the end of October 2019 and PotWR for 12 months under the end of December 2019.

The Registered Voter List
@Cubo de Sangre
@Farmer Br0wn
@Lord Coke
@Jack V Savage
@Hunter Simpson
@Liquid Smoke
@Roaming East
@MC OverPressure
@Lord Palis
@Jackie Blue
@Rational Poster
@Edison Carasio
@Dr. Shoemaker
@Captain Davis
@Limbo Pete
@ocean size
@Devout Pessimist
@bad seed
@Anung Un Rama
@second sight
@Son of Jamin
@D 1 Wrestler
@Possum Jenkins
@no fat chicks
@The ScorpioN
@The Diplomat
@Last Samurai
@Ice That Jaw
@King of Fists
@Teen Wolf
@Diamond Jim
@Al Gorithm
@Bloody Pulp
@Gutter Chris
@Staph infection
@Carolina Skiff
@computer fogie
@Lucifer Alpha
@Mark Hunts FIST
@Post Mortem
@Dirt Road Soldier
@Don Quixote
@Final Rehab
@Hans Gercmiov
@Hard To Tell
@Iceberg Slim
@n...not crazy
@Rob Battisti
@kiki do you love me
@Whippy McGee
@Workers United
@Satsui Ryu

Election Tentative Schedule
Round 2 11/16/18 8:45pm EST
Round 3 11/23/18 9:00pm EST
Round 4 11/30/18 9:15pm EST
Round 5 11/30/18 9:30pm EST
*If candidates in the following round agree to a different future time, it can be considered for adjustment

Past Election Threads
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Candidate List
@Cubo de Sangre
@Hunter Simpson


Fellow denizens,

Instead of something more traditional, such as sermon or prayer, please allow this bit of history to provide the reflection and spiritual guidance guidance our humanity so craves in these hard times of decision-making and change.

Taking inspiration from the pioneers of history, it’s time we turn our attention to the matter currently at stake. A battle looms. A battle over control of a sticky-thread. Some will tell you it’s just another sticky-thread. There to quickly scroll past on the way to our steady diets of scathing opinions and brutal facts. Some will tell you it's a partisan quest for power. For narrative. For superiority of ideology. For bragging rights. Thus far it has been. And it's something I hope to change.


Please hear me out on the following three topics:
  • Something our community lacks and how to add it.
  • Investment in our community.
  • Motives.


Not community. We love it here. Outsiders call it a bad habit. I call it a higher pursuit. And like any living organism, we’re not perfect. We ebb. We flow. We hurt and feel. We’re men and women of courage though. Made of something a cut above. We challenge each other on topics not easily understood and digested. We do so with fact and fiction. All in an attempt to one-up the other. And in the War Room that’s the name of the game. It’s the allure and will of the Just Bleed God.

While our battles here aren't physical, we batter each other mentally. We use whatever dirty moves we can to rustle our foes, hoping they break. We target opinions to snuff out, akin to territorial pissing. And we love it. But there’s rumblings of wanting more. I’ve shared in those rumblings. The rumblings that criticize the lack of respectful and productive conversation. The lack of simple tact, let alone statesmanship. This campaign is here to propose a place of cleansing. A more formal gathering where We the Pigs People of the War Room have occasion to wash off that sweet, sweet muck and glorious slop in which we root and revel.


  • 20 thread topics running 2 weeks each in the sticky section. There's approximately 43 weeks during the term. The extra three weeks will be easy to fill and we use them for a thread that goes long. Consider those weeks open-ended.
  • Civil and respectful discourse only. These 20 threads will be to put our best foot forward.
  • On-topic posts only. If the thread-starter decides something is off-topic, then it is.
  • Threads hosted by community members, as much as possible. As President the intent is to never start a thread myself. Of course, I'll fill in any participation gaps.
  • When the primaries begin, polls will be held via an upcoming Cubo de Sangre Town Hall Meeting thread to determine the most popular ideas for thread types. The specifics of thread content and thread starters will be based on the results.



  • One-on-one debate
  • Expert ask-me-anything
  • Hot-button issue that never fucking goes away and for once we'd like to see discussed civilly
  • Common misconceptions by those lacking professional knowledge
  • State of the War Room (observations on our fellow posters)
  • A current event too hot to handle by normal standards
  • Feel-good current events
  • An OP composed jointly by posters with opposing viewpoints
  • Change my mind
  • Your best hookers and blow stories (or some reasonable facsimile)



By contributing. Not just sharing what you'd like to see, or by becoming a thread-starter, but also by participating from thread to thread. This will both help the topics evolve and strengthen the discourse. More importantly, we'll create different interactions due to the environment, which might then bleed over elsewhere in the forum. Maybe we gain newfound respect for others we'd previously written off. One thing is for certain, without traffic we've got nothing. In that sense we all need each other.



The simple answer is my desire to see the plan outlined above implemented. But that wouldn't tell the whole story of why I'm willing to suffer the harsh criticisms that are sure to come. Why I'm risking that kick in the ego of losing a popularity contest. So beyond the benefits we'll all share in, of course there are things more personal. Yes, validation from one's peers is precious and something I'd cherish. But know I'd never throw it in anyone's face. Perhaps what's most important is a need for creativity. A need to take on a project of interest. The hope of finding an appreciative audience and delivering the goods.


So on humble knee, I honorably request my fellow War Room citizens to please consider me for our Presidency. In an effort to champion non-partisan, and open-minded representation, I announce my candidacy to we the voters. My friends. My antagonists. My family by choice.

I'm also pleased to announce @Gutter Chris will be running on the ticket as Vice President.

Au revoir, Scum.




*Official notification for @Lead the venerable, as per the rules.

Nobody tagged me eh?

I hereby register and run for president

My fellow WR citizens, I'll keep this short, I am running for President of the War Room. I cant stand by and watch two OT terrorist and a man that tries to play the both sides game, run away with the election. Remember a vote for Lowman is a vote against the Deep State. @Lead.
I nearby announce my campaign to run for this fine office. As President of this Great War Room, I pledge to:

Work to ensure good, clean debates
Ensure every voice is heard, not suppressed
Call out hypocrisy whenever I see it
Ensure a dream of whiskey for outside the polls for each voter

I'd like to run.

My campaign slogan:
"I'm not mentally ill, and I won't get banned."

Should give me the heads up on the last two winners.

Today I would like to announce my candidacy for War Romm president. To become a president, not for personal gain or fame but for Sherdog forgotten minorities.

The rule of White American Males has been going for too long. How much longer do we want to be oppressed? How much longer do we want to see White American Males make a mockery of the War room presidency. How much longer do we want to sit idly by watching religious nuts, Incel woman haters, and potential school shooters make threads on fake news reports they got from a Russian bot on r/thedonal?

I say enough! This year together we can take away the power from the White American Males. No matter if you are African American, European, Canadian, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, Russian, Australian, the 1 female or some kind of halfsie. The time we beat the White American Males is NOW!.

I am snakedafunky I expect every None White American Male with values and character to join our legion!!!

PS: If you are unsure if you are white just sent me a picture I will let you know.

Okay. I’m in.
This campaign will put 2016 to shame.
Brethren of the WR, fourscore and two-hundred and eighty days ago, our fore-Homer set out on a Holy mission: to rid the WR of #maga boi fuckery. Thanks to his heroic efforts—and ultimate sacrifice– this mission was largely successful.

But just like those Hobbit movies, evil didn’t stay dead—it hid in the shadows and gathered its strength to emerge in a pernicious new form. The new evil confronting us is more subtle, foul and pervasive than ever: it is the scourge known as bothsideism.

Bothsideism is the evil doctrine that holds a headache to be equal to a cancer, a bias to be equal to an outright lie, cultural grievances to be equal to actual oppression, and Conspiracy Nutbaggery to be the equivalent of Fact.

As president of the ENTIRE WR, I will make it my duty to bludgeon bothsideism with a human-brain encrusted Cudgel of Truth.

Like so:


We will smite the dumb. The CTards will writhe. Trumpcucks will be broken. Both-siders will get it up both sides.

luckyshot & Fawlty 2018: BOTHSIDEISM GETS IT UP BOTH SIDES

@Lead I would like to officially register my candidacy

I'm running on a bring @KONE back platform!

Well, my friends, my enemies,

No, that's not quite right... not the father... won't do it...


Ladies and gentlemen




From the sold out single chair in front of my computer

THIS is the moment War Room fans around the world have been waiting for.


4 Rounds for the Crave/Sherdog War Room President title

Aaaaaaand nowwwwwww
Introducing first,
FIIIIIGHTINGgggggg out of the, oh, natural pine-themed beige corner,

Standing 6 feet, 0 inches tall.
Weighing in on pretty much every topic with some sort of educated opinion (or a disclaimer to the contrary)

Promising to bring the office of President into willful disrepute by having no where near enough time or dedication to fulfilling the mandate bestowed upon him by his constituency, knowing all the while that with this public declaration he can disabuse himself of all responsibility for any failure through tacit acceptance,

Running undefeated, with zero wins and zero losses

And NEWWWWWWWWWWW War Room President

Vote for me if you want, I don't care. #Slick2018
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BREAKING: PotWR Election Committee Unveils Sweeping Reforms
With the recent opening of registration for the upcoming President of the War Room elections, the WR Election Committee announced a drastic change to the voting process compared to years past. An additional middle round of voting will occur between the jungle primary and general election with a field of four candidates. Election Officiator Lead was reached for comment:
"It had come to our attention after multiple criticisms last year that the shift from a vast field of candidates in the jungle primary to only two in the general election made it too susceptible for a fringe and less popular candidate to make the final ballot. This new middle round should allow a much more natural process of candidates and coalitions forming together in order to get the two most widely accepted candidates to the general election. As with every year, we look to improve these elections based on feedback. Last year, the new registry rules were a drastic approval and this year, we hope the semi elimination round will also be a success."

Fellow denizens,

Instead of something more traditional, such as sermon or prayer, please allow this bit of history to provide the reflection and spiritual guidance guidance our humanity so craves in these hard times of decision-making and change.

Taking inspiration from the pioneers of history, it’s time we turn our attention to the matter currently at stake. A battle looms. A battle over control of a sticky-thread. Some will tell you it’s just another sticky-thread. There to quickly scroll past on the way to our steady diets of scathing opinions and brutal facts. Some will tell you it's a partisan quest for power. For narrative. For superiority of ideology. For bragging rights. Thus far it has been. And it's something I hope to change.


Please hear me out on the following three topics:
  • Something our community lacks and how to add it.
  • Investment in our community.
  • Motives.


Not community. We love it here. Outsiders call it a bad habit. I call it a higher pursuit. And like any living organism, we’re not perfect. We ebb. We flow. We hurt and feel. We’re men and women of courage though. Made of something a cut above. We challenge each other on topics not easily understood and digested. We do so with fact and fiction. All in an attempt to one-up the other. And in the War Room that’s the name of the game. It’s the allure and will of the Just Bleed God.

While our battles here aren't physical, we batter each other mentally. We use whatever dirty moves we can to rustle our foes, hoping they break. We target opinions to snuff out, akin to territorial pissing. And we love it. But there’s rumblings of wanting more. I’ve shared in those rumblings. The rumblings that criticize the lack of respectful and productive conversation. The lack of simple tact, let alone statesmanship. This campaign is here to propose a place of cleansing. A more formal gathering where We the Pigs People of the War Room have occasion to wash off that sweet, sweet muck and glorious slop in which we root and revel.


  • 20 thread topics running 2 weeks each in the sticky section. There's approximately 43 weeks during the term. The extra three weeks will be easy to fill and we use them for a thread that goes long. Consider those weeks open-ended.
  • Civil and respectful discourse only. These 20 threads will be to put our best foot forward.
  • On-topic posts only. If the thread-starter decides something is off-topic, then it is.
  • Threads hosted by community members, as much as possible. As President the intent is to never start a thread myself. Of course, I'll fill in any participation gaps.
  • When the primaries begin, polls will be held via an upcoming Cubo de Sangre Town Hall Meeting thread to determine the most popular ideas for thread types. The specifics of thread content and thread starters will be based on the results.



  • One-on-one debate
  • Expert ask-me-anything
  • Hot-button issue that never fucking goes away and for once we'd like to see discussed civilly
  • Common misconceptions by those lacking professional knowledge
  • State of the War Room (observations on our fellow posters)
  • A current event too hot to handle by normal standards
  • Feel-good current events
  • An OP composed jointly by posters with opposing viewpoints
  • Change my mind
  • Your best hookers and blow stories (or some reasonable facsimile)



By contributing. Not just sharing what you'd like to see, or by becoming a thread-starter, but also by participating from thread to thread. This will both help the topics evolve and strengthen the discourse. More importantly, we'll create different interactions due to the environment, which might then bleed over elsewhere in the forum. Maybe we gain newfound respect for others we'd previously written off. One thing is for certain, without traffic we've got nothing. In that sense we all need each other.



The simple answer is my desire to see the plan outlined above implemented. But that wouldn't tell the whole story of why I'm willing to suffer the harsh criticisms that are sure to come. Why I'm risking that kick in the ego of losing a popularity contest. So beyond the benefits we'll all share in, of course there are things more personal. Yes, validation from one's peers is precious and something I'd cherish. But know I'd never throw it in anyone's face. Perhaps what's most important is a need for creativity. A need to take on a project of interest. The hope of finding an appreciative audience and delivering the goods.


So on humble knee, I honorably request my fellow War Room citizens to please consider me for our Presidency. In an effort to champion non-partisan, and open-minded representation, I announce my candidacy to we the voters. My friends. My antagonists. My family by choice.

I'm also pleased to announce @Gutter Chris will be running on the ticket as Vice President.

Au revoir, Scum.




*Official notification for @Lead the venerable, as per the rules.

I didn't actually read any of that cause i can't read, but i like where this is going, henceforth, i give it a like and my seal of approval.


Well done Cubo, whoever you are!

Guess I better officially register as well. @Lead might be a stickler for technicalities. :cool:
You also are free to help register other members as well who you think want to vote. Just tag me and let me know the poster. You can confirm someone has been registered by checking this OP under the "Registered Voter List"


Trying to commit voted fraud already? @Cubo de Sangre, @luckyshot wont stand by and allow you to do this.

i was unaware that I couldnt do that and thought thats what he said to do
I'm in. Will provide my usual completely unbiased commentary as dictated by my alcohol content.

Please register me

I’m officially offering up my vote for a 6er of New Castle and a 100 dollar Caesars Palace chip
A tag would have been nice. Normal people don't look at stickies.

@Lead, please register me kind sir.

Announcement regarding my candidacy will be forthcoming.
A tag would have been nice. Normal people don't look at stickies.

@Lead, please register me kind sir.

Announcement regarding my candidacy will be forthcoming.

It is up to the citizens to look at the sticky and register themselves. The State will not hold their hand.
Russian hacker checking in.
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