Opinion “Women are not paid their fair share” President Biden

Plenty of older, retired NBA players have said some haterade shit about up and coming new NBA stars.

And I'd argue the Stewart and Taurasi comments weren't even that bad. They were just asked a question and they answered.

The only thing that was delusional was what Sheryl Swoopes said.

Older nba players talk shit on younger guys for sure. Happened to guys like Lebron, Kobe and AI. The difference is the NBA is already wildly successful and a global powerhouse. The WNBA desperately needs something if it ever wants to be taken seriously. Being critical of what could be the biggest star in the leagues history is certainly a decision.
Older nba players talk shit on younger guys for sure. Happened to guys like Lebron, Kobe and AI. The difference is the NBA is already wildly successful and a global powerhouse. The WNBA desperately needs something if it ever wants to be taken seriously. Being critical of what could be the biggest star in the leagues history is certainly a decision.

WNBA is never going to be successful. The women look like any decent guy in a park can beat them one on one. Nowhere near athletic enough to be entertaining at all.
I'm not convinced this is really the case. It was only 3 people who said some questionable shit and that got projected to all women or the entire WNBA.

All the red pill outrage Youtube channels ran with the WNBA players are jealous narrative.

It was literally 3 people that said something kinda dumb.

1. Sheryl Swoopes said some senile dumb shit about NCAA records on a podcast.
2. Diana Taurasi said she'd rather draft another player from her alma mater first over Clark.
3. Breanna Stewart said Clark is not on the all time women's NCAA GOAT list because she didn't win a championship.

That somehow turned into: the ENTIRE WNBA is jealous because she's not black, that she's not a lesbian that she's not a feminist, etc.

Ridiculous hyperbole. There's no "proof" that the ENTIRE WNBA are jealous. It's just some outrage clickbait in my eyes until there's more evidence. Don't be a sucka and believe everything a Youtube video says.

And this is coming from someone who thinks the WNBA is trash. The whole Caitlin Clark outrage story is some lame and gay narrative to get clicks.

You mean... the three key former WNBA commentators?

They're bitter at the attention Clark is getting.
WNBA is never going to be successful. The women look like any decent guy in a park can beat them one on one. Nowhere near athletic enough to be entertaining at all.

Caitlin dropping threes from the men's line is impressive.

Enough to make me watch? No

Enough to catch highlights when I can? Yes
Caitlin dropping threes from the men's line is impressive.

Enough to make me watch? No

Enough to catch highlights when I can? Yes

Most people don't even know the name of the WNBA team in their own city.
WNBA is never going to be successful. The women look like any decent guy in a park can beat them one on one. Nowhere near athletic enough to be entertaining at all.
shaq was right, lower the rim a bit and get more dunks going. maybe that will help.
Disagree because even if they lower it a whole foot to 9, most of the women wouldn't be able to dunk.
haven't watched nba for some time, but i'd assume almost all men playing can dunk, right?
how high would the rim need to be in the wnba so you could say the same?
haven't watched nba for some time, but i'd assume almost all men playing can dunk, right?
how high would the rim need to be in the wnba so you could say the same?

Even 5'7" Spudd Web...

haven't watched nba for some time, but i'd assume almost all men playing can dunk, right?
how high would the rim need to be in the wnba so you could say the same?

Average NBA player height is like 6'6". Average WNBA player height is like 5'11" to 6.

Average WNBA player vertical is pretty low. Women can't jump for shit. Then add to that they have about 3" less in arm length. The odds of a random female WNBA player dunking would be similar to the odds of a 5'5" male player being able to dunk.

But it's not only dunking. It's just generally how much slower, less agile and less athletic they are.
Average NBA player height is like 6'6". Average WNBA player height is like 5'11" to 6.

Average WNBA player vertical is pretty low. Women can't jump for shit. Then add to that they have about 3" less in arm length. The odds of a random female WNBA player dunking would be similar to the odds of a 5'5" male player being able to dunk.

But it's not only dunking. It's just generally how much slower, less agile and less athletic they are.
i see. so my expectation that if you lower the rim like half a foot and there'd be more dunks is pretty off the mark.
Average NBA player height is like 6'6". Average WNBA player height is like 5'11" to 6.

Average WNBA player vertical is pretty low. Women can't jump for shit. Then add to that they have about 3" less in arm length. The odds of a random female WNBA player dunking would be similar to the odds of a 5'5" male player being able to dunk.

But it's not only dunking. It's just generally how much slower, less agile and less athletic they are.
At least it would drastically reduce the number of missed lay-ups. Nothing is worse than watching a fast break, they are wide open, and then proceeds to miss a lay-up. All the time...
That alone would make it 100% better.

Instead of giving her props... they're tearing her down. It's self destructive to the league.

Women are so hateful and petty to each other at times.
they should join the war room where a bunch of men would make them look like saints.
Even women don’t support women’s sports
I have been saying this for years. It's something that women avoid talking about at all costs. It's just easier for them to blame it on the men since we are tough enough to withstand it.
I don't believe for a second Biden posts anything on Twitter himself
This was pointed out a couple months ago on the JRE when Biden's staff screwed this up. KJP tweeted out a message as Biden. So that means she forgot who's account she was using. Or something similar to that.
If liberals want to help women's sports, then start by removing the transgenders who are competing with biological women.
Talked to a couple of female friends about this recently. The fact that most females stop playing (and caring) about sports after the age of 12 is a huuuuuuge part of it. Then during high school and college they get outshined by those few females in that kept playing sports. Whether it be getting outdone in gym class or failing to attract the boys they wanted because these boys would be going for the females that still played sports / had nice bodies.

Therefore, as adults, staying silent about WNBA / women's soccer pay and trannies invading their sport etc etc is a way for them to get back at them without having to do anything.

So yes, women have been the worst enemy of women for many decades.
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