Social Zimbabwe’s vice president says the government will block a scholarship for LGBTQ+ people

How about fixing starvation issue


Fuck was just about to throw rhodesia reference

Great movie
I think that all passionate American social justice warriors should immediately go to Zimbabwe to protest this situation. I support them in this mission.

- I have a phat booty and i aint not dumb, Bro.
THey will make me gae for the stay!
This is fascist and wrong. Crickets from the small government crowd. Figures.
Africa and the Middle East contain some of the worst countries in regard to gay rights and treatment.

Top 10 Worst countries for LBGTQ rights. 4 in Africa, 5 in Middle East. All 9 Muslim. I find it strange that no one speaks out against Palestine with its horrific treatment of LBGTQ, while Israel started taking in Gay refugees in 2022 issuing work permits. The world needs work.

10. Afghanistan
9. Sudan
8. Yemen
7. Iran
6. Saudi Arabia
5. Somalia
4. Nigeria
3. Russia
2. UAE
1. Mauritania

I'd love to see the gay community of the west and their white-skinned purple-haired allies rally to thoroughly denounce this in the loudest possible manner and hold Zimbabwe to account for this egregious anti-gay policy that simply does not belong in a modern society.

But that would involve white liberals denouncing black people.

So sorry in advance to the gays of Zimbabwe, you're on your own.

I'd love to see the gay community of the west and their white-skinned purple-haired allies rally to thoroughly denounce this in the loudest possible manner and hold Zimbabwe to account for this egregious anti-gay policy that simply does not belong in a modern society.

But that would involve white liberals denouncing black people.

So sorry in advance to the gays of Zimbabwe, you're on your own.

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