What age were you overall mentally sharpest/strongest or you still getting better?


The one who doesn't fall, doesn't stand up.
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
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I'm 46, I feel like overall I'm mentally probably stronger than ever before, experience has helped a lot in the way I look at things.

I'm more comfortable in my own skin than ever before.

I found this online.

"Smaller improvements are still noticeable from age 20 until what the researchers described as a “peak” begins at age 35. The peak lasts until roughly age 45, at which point chess skill – and, the study theorizes, overall mental performance – begins a marked decline."
Intellectually I was sharper in my 20's, but the ability to see ttends, causes, and put things together in general rose immensely over the years. Like DnD, Intellect and Wisdom are different stats. Overall I am smarter and less gullible now, if I had the raw learning ability from when I was 20, that would be dope, but alas.
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Hmm probably early to mid 30's. After a period of real stagnation I ended up going back to school. I was really nervous about it because I dropped out so extremely young. But as I got good feedback from my professors and classmates, and then good grades, I began to slowly believe maybe I wasn't a complete idiot.

It's always been hard for me to hold on to self confidence but constant positive feedback really did wonders for me. That and being in an environment where I was encouraged to share and exchange ideas, around people genuinely excited about learning.

People would ask what I thought about something, then they would actually listen when I told them. I didn't even know that was something I'd been craving my whole life until I found it.

Hmm probably early to mid 30's. After a period of real stagnation I ended up going back to school. I was really nervous about it because I dropped out so extremely young. But as I got good feedback from my professors and classmates, and then good grades, I began to slowly believe maybe I wasn't a complete idiot.

It's always been hard for me to hold on to self confidence but constant positive feedback really did wonders for me. That and being in an environment where I was encouraged to share and exchange ideas, around people genuinely excited about learning.

People would ask what I thought about something, then they would actually listen when I told them. I didn't even know that was something I'd been craving my whole life until I found it.


That's great to hear, good for you.
I'm 46, I feel like overall I'm mentally probably stronger than ever before, experience has helped a lot in the way I look at things.

I'm more comfortable in my own skin than ever before.

I found this online.

"Smaller improvements are still noticeable from age 20 until what the researchers described as a “peak” begins at age 35. The peak lasts until roughly age 45, at which point chess skill – and, the study theorizes, overall mental performance – begins a marked decline."
Mentally getting better. Physically, not as much.
Year 1

Not having any clue wtf is going around you is a bliss
Probably when I won the Foothill Elementary School 5th Grade Spelling Bee Championship Of The World, after that it's been all downhill
I do martial arts and meditate and take psychedelics so there is no decline only an expansion and improvement with time
I think I was mentally sharpest at like age 13 - 20. I obviously didn't have a lot of life experience, but I learned super quick.

At age 13-15 without any training, I was able to network the computers in my house which was a difficult task in the windows 95 era. I built some websites with HTML only, no software or designer help. I wrote a program in C++ that was used by a video rental store for like 10 years.

When I was around 20 years old as part of my engineering capstone project at university, I designed a 3 wheeled electric vehicle that our campus security used to traverse our campus. At sporting events the school mascot would use it to drive around the field, etc. This design ended up getting copied, and is now what you see at airports.


20 years later I feel dull and tired in comparison.
I drink a lot and do some push ups so it’s constant winning in every way.
That's great to hear, good for you.
It really made me realize what a shame the American education system is. It pretty much scares anyone that doesn't fit a certain mold out of trying to learn at all. At least through high school. Going back as an adult was such a radically different experience.

I wish more people knew how much these really oppressive social settings completely change once you get a bit older. Unfortunately many people have had a lot of negative experiences and retreated into themselves and set artificial limits by then.
I took the weschler test when I was 18. It's like the gold standard of IQ tests.

I'm pretty sure if I were to take it again today I would do worse. There was some math that I probably don't remember how to do, and some sections were timed and I know my brain isn't as fast as it used to be.

However, at 18 I didn't know shit. I couldn't solve a fraction of the problems that I solve today.

So I think even though my brain performed better back then, all the experience I've gained has more than made up for my brain slowing down.

Eventually though my brain will slow down to the point where I can't remember all my experience though. So I hope I die at that point if not before.
I figure I'll peak around my mid eighties and then I'll go from there.
20s I thought I was sharper and better at solving puzzles, problems and things like that but I gain more wisdom every year
36 and I'm better than ever by a good margin. I thought I was the shit in my 20s but I'm way sharpest right now.
I'm 46, I feel like overall I'm mentally probably stronger than ever before, experience has helped a lot in the way I look at things.

I'm more comfortable in my own skin than ever before.

I found this online.

"Smaller improvements are still noticeable from age 20 until what the researchers described as a “peak” begins at age 35. The peak lasts until roughly age 45, at which point chess skill – and, the study theorizes, overall mental performance – begins a marked decline."

36 now , probably the sharpest I've been mentally, been in the military since I was 18 and been beat down over the years but have always stayed in shape , was pretty irresponsible with nutrition in my early 20s because 8 would always slay myself up . From 27 years old on really tightened up my nutrition, and have been a good performer for whats expected of me . It's a little bit disheartening to see the quality of the young men and women joining has deteriorated to the point where kids struggle to even run a mile nowadays, also has to do with most student athletes won't even consider the military as an option.