

Red Belt
Feb 28, 2023
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I really don't get these people. Spending 10s of thousands of dollars on lootboxes in some shitty online game. Why? Why not just spend 70 dollars to play the best Triple A games? It defies logic. How do they get the money to feed this habit?

I was watching this video about Nexon scamming it's players by secretly reducing their lootbox probabilities, even going so far as to making some items unobtainable entirely. And some idiot is spending over 100k per year on this. They are ruining shit for everyone because then the developers change their gameplay to milk these people for money.

My cousin did this with a mobile game once. Don't think he got over $1,000 but he got close I know that.
They make me feel better for having spent a boatload on Steam games I have yet to play as I can at least get something out of my purchases, they get cosmetics that amount to nothing and spend way more than I did.
It's the same reason as in the real world. Have better stuff and show off against others. You won't see anybody spending that much on a game without an active community.

Also it's all relative. Plenty of people out there who couldn't care less about 100k.
$9m dollars is the heaviest fine the Korean government has ever levied on a company? Am I hearing that right?

Holy shit, why even bother? That's fucking chicken feed to these assholes.
If you're spending even $100 on that bullshit, you should slap yourself.

It's an odd phenomena. At least with actual gambling, there's a hope there that you might get lucky and put some extra money in your pocket. Spending that kinda cash for a mere "chance" to get some virtual doodad in a videogame, is beyond my comprehension for anyone over the age of 10, or someone who makes a living playing games.

And to think, we all laughed at spending $5 for "Horse Armor" in Oblivion. The whole damn industry is selling "Horse Armor" now, or a chance to get "Horse Armor".

I have to confess. I play Nikke.

I know.


But they're hot anime bitches with jiggling asses and titties. I don't BUY anything. I pulled Noise, Liter, Moderna and some other bitch.

I'm sorry.