Toasty Random thought thread, AKA wasteland here we come, AKA mine you can't post here, AKA the AKA thread

Ah the airing of grievances...

Most of those are legit.

Plus it sounds like the gift buying has reached the point where you should just detach and use it as an opportunity to just buy people retarded and wharped gifts that serve only to amuse you lol.
If they aren't gunna make an effort then they've shown the gift buying relating to you means nothing so have at it.

May as well have some lulz.

Plus the shit chicks wear to gyms is retarded these days. They seem to think they are going to march into the public space and display their wares but only the guys they want to see it are the only ones that will.

I'm sure if guys ditched their personal filters and started saying the thoughts in their heads out loud like 'look at the fucking tits on this thing', they might dress a bit differently.
I hate it when people tell me I'm hard to buy gifts for. I mean I am old and don't want much and pretty much buy the few small things I do, so they may have a point.

So recognizing that I will often give the few people in my life I have failed to alienate past the point of gift giving closeness, a very short list of very inexpensive items that might amuse me.

Then the fuckers fuck that simple task up. On christmass I got to open up the same gift twice and then be told it was somehow my fault for giving the same list 2 my wife and mom thinking they might coordinate. this year I am going to formally register as if I'm getting married so the store's website will show what has already been bought.

Another instance, I have become dedicated to going to the gym again, but every T shirt and all my sweat pants I have are either black or gray. So i end up looking like this
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So I ask for Champion xl sweats in bright colors AND I SEND THE AMAZON LINK.

Today I am sitting in the black pair of off brand sweats that my mother in law bought me. She was kind enough to buy a 2nd pair, gray. The off brand sweats are great, vastly superior to the ones I asked for because-

A- they have giant cargo pockets on them, I mean nothing says I am ready for an explosive work out than pockets stuff full of electronics and my wallet.

B- Might be made for women as they sit very low on my hips giving the gym access to great ass cleavage shots when I squat, or dead lift or lean over the water fountain for a drink, or breathe air.

C- Make up for being low slung by being very short in the legs, should the gym flood I am going to be laughing at all the regular fitting sweat pants wearers and their soggy ankles.

D- Have drawstrings made out of a kind of glossy fabric that likes to come undone under the mildest strain, so things like blinking and swallowing saliva tend to loosen them with the bonus of even more ass cleavage being shown.

So then I begin to suspect it was intentional, which makes me an asshole right? BUT I MEAN I SENT THE FUCKING LINK.

You my friend are an animal lol.

On another note, you're absolutely right.
How can you mess up getting a man a gift that doesn't really need or want anything... ESPECIALLY WITH A LIST lol
Personally I’m thankful for the women dressing in their hot gym outfits. The other day a girl walked out of the gym in these tight grey pants. With every step I could see her fat ass jiggle. It was a nice ass let me tell you. I enjoyed that view.
Yah ever walk along in a crowded area or even just a place like a park where you pass some random people now and again and just think to yourself, at least a few of these people have committed serious crimes and sins that they have never been caught or punished for?

Its' just a numbers game, and once you've passed 10 or 20 people you know you've walked by someone that beats their spouse, or crashed their car drunk and drove away, or cheats on their spouse, or is carrying an illegal weapon and drugs, or spends way too much time on Sherdog posts shitty things on a thread they were told was mine and stay away from etc and so forth.

I imagine if I walk past a few of you, I can probably check all of those off in 1 go.

I think it would be a remarkable experiment if they were to stop a packed subway car and randomly frisk everyone on it and search for outstanding warrants and maybe have various religious figures there to ask them if they want to confess some sins and then we tally all that shit up.

Sure is is a violation of all civil liberty and religious tenants and all that, but it sure would be interesting to see what we found and learned.

i comfort myself knowing all of them will one day die unless science fucks that up for us and gives us immortality. And if science does crack that nut, how does that work? Seems we're already overtaxing the earth's ability to sustain us and that is with us dying off everyday. Stop the dying and then what? You'd either need to force sterilization on everyone or Elon's Mars colony better be up and running quickly to handle the overflow.

In short, Thanos was on to something

Strange bedfellows indeed.

My elderly mom is now a big Stormy Daniels fan. I doubt she has watched many of her movies but has read her book. watched the documentary and been "proud' of how she handled herself on the stand.

She is now rooting hard for Michael Cohen to bring down DJT. Cohen is a man she would've loathed in any other situation one could imagine, but right now she is hardcore team Mikey.

When I pointed out to her that she is rooting for a porn star and an obnoxious fixer, she said Enemy of my Enemy which I thought was quite self aware and perceptive.

Then she said- “The eggplant will salute other pigeons”

And I thought damn I left my sherdog account open on her computer didn't i?
Speaking of Stormy, do you believe we make our own luck or are buffeted by the fates?

What at the chances you'd sleep with a rich guy hoping to get on TV or jump start your "brand" or just for straight cash homey, and that 1 non-politician ends up being the most divisive president with rabid followers that might actually hurt you if you hurt his chances at power. Then you end up dealing with a guy named Pecker and two attorneys, Cohen and Avennatti (sp?) one of whom is stealing from you and his other clients to fund his love of race car driving and the other who is trying to steal from you for the old rich guy you slept with and ended up losing a lot of money to in a defamation case while his followers threaten your life.

I believe we make our own luck.

Stormy girl, you've made some really bad choices.
Has the ubiquity and ease of the internet taken some of the spontaneity and joy out of our lives?

it has certainly limited our person to person interactions as I no longer have to shop for food, gifts or necessities and thus have reduced a ton of random interactions at the grocery or the mall.

ebay and amazon have made it easy to find even oddball items from my youth and purchase them without having to hunt through garage sales or strange specialty stores.

i don't even get lost anymore because of my GPS.

So that all sounds great right?

But what about the thrill of the hunt when you were trying to find an old comic or GI Joe and you saw a longbox full of old issues or a camo wearing king fu grip having action figure (not doll goddamnit) mixed in with hairless barbies and old bean babies as you walked up some stranger's driveway?

What about the little kick you heart gave when you were grocery shopping and a good looking girl asked you to move the fuck out her way and stop taking all the carrots?

What about the funny shit y'all did while trying to follow each other to a kegger that you just couldn't find then ending up in the parking lot of a burger king throwing ketchyuppy pickles at each other after smoking 1 joint too many?

Is losing that kind of shit an ok trade off for convenience and some amazon dude throwing shit on your porch and riding off?
Man I love taking old Marvel panels and putting current political figures in them
silever joe.png
It's a weird hobby but I makes myself giggle
One of the stupidest things I did for decades was wear white underwear. I mean what idiot came up with the idea that covering the areas of my body that leak the most, pits, pecker and back tunnel in the one color that shows every stain, was the best possible idea? My pits alone shoot out an almost unstoppable acid solution continuously throughout the day. And those are the least of my worries.

Dumber still was doing this throughout the time i had to go through both puberty and daily judgement of these under garments by anyone unfortunate enough to be in my gym class and my lovely mother when she would do laundry.

Oh the tales those stains must have told.

MY GAWD people if you are still wearing tighty whites you should all run off a cliff together lemming style
I honestly didn't read any of this thread. I came in here because of the gratuitous use of "AKA"

This either means American Kickboxing Academy, or the bar for this thread was set really low. The Akabar.
Either way, it gets no praise from me.
I honestly didn't read any of this thread. I came in here because of the gratuitous use of "AKA"

This either means American Kickboxing Academy, or the bar for this thread was set really low. The Akabar.
Either way, it gets no praise from me.
Adma Warlock cold emotionless stone.jpg