International The Taliban are working to woo tourists to Afghanistan

The events in Afghanistan...
  • Madrassa Tours
  • You can get stoned
  • If you are gay, they have a special bungee off a tall building event... minus the bungee cord
  • Site tours of where 13 U.S. Marines were slaughtered along with a hundred Afghanis
  • Free U.S. Military hardware when you donate over $100 to a local Mosque
  • Burka fashion shows
The events in Afghanistan...
  • Madrassa Tours
  • You can get stoned
  • If you are gay, they have a special bungee off a tall building event... minus the bungee cord
  • Site tours of where 13 U.S. Marines were slaughtered along with a hundred Afghanis
  • Free U.S. Military hardware when you donate over $100 to a local Mosque
  • Burka fashion shows
Can't also miss destroying cultural heritage with a sledgehammer
- They do treat their female tourists far better than indians doo thought.

In Ghazni, some women, and girls strongly criticize the Taliban for their dual standards towards local women, and foreign women visiting the province. They assert that the Taliban consistently tightened their strict restrictions on women in Ghazni province, while foreign women freely move around different parts of the province without any prohibitions, enjoying full freedom. According to them, the Taliban employ a double standard policy to whitewash and gain global legitimacy, while, in their view, all women within the “Islamic system territory” should have equal rights.

Numerous women, girls, and residents of Ghazni, speaking to the Hasht-e Subh Daily, state that women and girls visiting the province from abroad roam freely day and night without considering issues such as hijab, religious restrictions, or dress code. However, all Taliban restrictions are exclusively imposed on women of Afghanistan, depriving them of the most basic human rights.

These women and girls assert that, under Taliban orders, they have been deprived of fundamental human rights such as education, employment, travel, recreation, and dining out for over two years. They have endured difficult circumstances, living in poverty and confinement at home.

In Ghazni province, the Taliban’s Directorate of Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, over the past two and a half years, has severely restricted women, stripping them of their most basic human rights. However, no stringent directives have been imposed on foreign women visiting this province.

Residents of Ghazni also state that the Taliban have exempted foreign women tourists from their strict regulations to portray to the world that their restrictions on women are a “lie” and that the exclusion of women from Afghan social life is part of the country’s culture.

According to Ghazni residents, the Taliban, in their pursuit of foreign aid and to present a positive image and whitewash their dark image, have not imposed any restrictions or prohibitions on foreign women tourists.


Nahid, 23 years old, resides in the Jaghatu district of Ghazni province. She was a second-year university student in Ghazni at the onset of the Taliban’s control over Afghanistan. Nahid states that due to the restrictions imposed by this group, universities were closed to her and her peers, leading to an uncertain fate.

- Se women and lizards arent afraid of getting raped. Unlike in India!
Thanks for reminding me that a lizard got raped in India <KingstonFrown>
I imagine it's a great place to go for gun tourism.
used to be like this in Mongolia - you could book tours to drive a tank, shook AKs, RPGs, you name it.
In aghanistan you'd get to drive humvees or even ride an Apache, shoot all the weapon types the americans left behind. it could be super fun and probably cheap. throw 500 bucks in and you'd get a week of rootin tootin shootin
- I think they had gun tourism years ago, no?
I heard they banned opium, so i'm gonna have to pass on that one.

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