Seth Rollins : "Conor McGregor's best days are behind him" + Rates Michael Chandler's promo skills

I dislike when Pro Wrasslers claim to be in the Fight Game or claim the get more nervous cutting a Promo then they do "Fighting" the biggest guys in the industry. Who gets nervous Play Acting a fight? Yeah maybe if you are wrestling a donkey like Goldberg who was ending careers left and right due to his incompetence but other than that you know exactly how the "Fight" is going to go. It is not a Fight.
I dislike when Pro Wrasslers claim to be in the Fight Game or claim the get more nervous cutting a Promo then they do "Fighting" the biggest guys in the industry. Who gets nervous Play Acting a fight? Yeah maybe if you are wrestling a donkey like Goldberg who was ending careers left and right due to his incompetence but other than that you know exactly how the "Fight" is going to go. It is not a Fight.

It's a fight and you should shut up considering Brock lesnar came from WWE and beat up all UFC fighter easily.

UFC fighters get beat up by YouTubers too.
It's a fight and you should shut up considering Brock lesnar came from WWE and beat up all UFC fighter easily.

UFC fighters get beat up by YouTubers too.
No it isn't a fight. A fight is contested between two combatants with an unknown and unscripted result. I love Bret Hart from back in the day and his matches were the more realistic Pro Wrasslin' Fights but they were not actually fights. Also Brock did not beat up all UFC fighters easily. Overeem, Cain, Frank Mir 1 weren't easy and even Shane Carwin when he won sure as shit wasn't easy.
Thing about WWE guys is that they are mostly all Heavyweights, even the "manlets" in WWE are all over 205 lol.

They'd get mauled by UFC Heavies, lets not kid ourselves - but I dont think it's *that* crazy of an idea to think that some of these guys would be able to crunch some 170lb and lower weight classes, with some training of course. If they can't stop a double leg they'd get fucked, and they all know it lol

A guy like Bobby Lashley would probably kill most of the UFC roster, but he's an exception to the rule.

When "play fighting" got real once, this was an absolute embarrassment for everyone involved. The funniest part is that the "toughest" guys on the roster wanted absolutely no part of this, they knew it would kill their stock if The Undertaker, The Rock or Steve Austin got KO'd by BART GUNN.

Just to give you an idea of how terrible these guys would be in the octagon.

Here is Bart vs a real fighter in Butterbean. Lmao

Seth isn't even the main focus for his own Wrestlemania title program.....him saying anyone's best days are behind them is laughable.

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