Media No more complaining about Suga O Malley’s wild hair


Someone wanna take a shot at this on Sean? I'd try, but I'm on my phone


Bro looks hella awkward lol
Maybe I'm simply showing my age, but I prefer the normal hairstyle over the clown hair.
He is just very recognizable with his look and that is $$$

Some of these fighters would kill themselves to get recognized and itd never work.

He's kinda smart to lean into the natural irish afro he's got
So I just saw a commercial for the new Willy Wonka movie
I didn’t know Suga was doing films
Way to go Sean!
Gonna be an old man and say you guys are weird for caring about his hair . He can do whatever he wants with his hair as long as he keeps putting on good fights. I hope merab doesn’t make it a stinker.
does the carpet match the drapes
Large pink clown hair, to garner as much attention as possible, what is there to complain about?
I’m intrigued to see what his next form will look like
I’d die laughing if Sean smokes him.