Television GOT: House Of The Dragon trailer (2022)

I'd really wish he'd finish the books.

I gave up on GRRM a few years ago, it was the healthiest thing to do emotionally.

Now if he ever publishes TWOW and a Dream of Spring I'll be pleasantly surprised and can finish the series.

But I have no expectation that TWOW will ever be published.
Havent seen the first two and True Detective S1 was great , youre right, but havent seen the other seasons.

Ill check out The first you you suggested

Avenue 5 was hilarious.

Dark comedy about idiots in space.
I concur im still pissed too waited 2 years for that terrible last season I could have cut the cord two years earlier but waited for GOT it cost me maybe an extra 2600 to wait two years to cut the cord in my cable.
The annoying part is the writers shouldve been doing their jobs and writing a better season for the 8th one. But all their ideas was all over the place and they didn't have enough time to actually put it together, like it should've been 9 seasons. Could've put their money to good use, instead of wasting the time for no good justifiable reason.
That's only because they had Filoni out in the real world carrying the IP's water like Jesus hauling sinners through the sand. Disney doesn't deserve him.

Going back to 2015, the highest rated episodes of television on IMDb?
  • #1 = Victory & Death
  • #2 = The Phantom Apprentice
  • #5 = Shattered

I wonder how many people out there are completely oblivious to the fact the best season of television in the world in the last 7 years was an animated show made for hardcore nerds?

It's Sad that the Billion Dollar Modern Trilogy provided the worst story telling in the Franchise
It's Sad that the Billion Dollar Modern Trilogy provided the worst story telling in the Franchise
JJ gave it a solid start that was all about homage.

Blame Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson. Art by committee in the name of (corporate) political agendas will always suck.
I gave up on GRRM a few years ago, it was the healthiest thing to do emotionally.

Now if he ever publishes TWOW and a Dream of Spring I'll be pleasantly surprised and can finish the series.

But I have no expectation that TWOW will ever be published.
Given how badly the ending to the show was ruined, it's literally impossible for GRRM to redeem it. I've given up all hope for TWOW.

The good news is, that there is still plenty of rich lore to explore, and it's all in the past. I have optimism that this will still be good, and there will be plenty of "reveals" which will completely change the way we look at the universe.
trailer looks atrocious and main character actor looks tarded as hell.
The main problem I have with it is that actually its quite exclusionary, basically the idea that there are female/gay/black/trans/etc films that have casts, directors, writers, etc along those lines and thats enough, all rather tokenistic and doesnt really change that the entertainment industry is dominated by white straight males.

Actually I think you could argue that appealing to the chinese market has tended to mean cinema has often gone backwards.

Every industry were it was researched in the west a bias in who to employ based on colour of skin could not be shown. But it could be very well shown that different genders prefer differenct jobs that pay differently and there is no discrimniation based on skin colour. There is one based on education and that is called meritocracy. You destroy that you destroy your society. It has to stop! that we evaluate people based on colour of skin and we do that nowadays in derogative terms about white people without an ounce of statistical proof. Talking about"white straight" like that is exactly that! Pure racist comments. The one big divider in every free society is education and if you go to that root cause you wont find racism but other hard truths people dont want to face.
Every industry were it was researched in the west a bias in who to employ based on colour of skin could not be shown. But it could be very well shown that different genders prefer differenct jobs that pay differently and there is no discrimniation based on skin colour. There is one based on education and that is called meritocracy. You destroy that you destroy your society. It has to stop! that we evaluate people based on colour of skin and we do that nowadays in derogative terms about white people without an ounce of statistical proof. Talking about"white straight" like that is exactly that! Pure racist comments. The one big divider in every free society is education and if you go to that root cause you wont find racism but other hard truths people dont want to face.

Women make up over half of film school grads in the US yet are obviously in the minority in high power jobs in the industry so I don't think you can put it purely down to level of interest in a certain career although equally social inequality can obviously play a big part as well, film school grads will I'm guessing on average come from more well off backgrounds so minorities from more deprived backgrounds will be at a disadvantage. That latter does highlight of course that the issue goes far beyond Hollywood and expecting Hollywood alone to remedy it is probably questionable.

As far as calling me a racist well for one thing the comment I made was clearly correct in terms of who has always had dominance within Hollywood and for another "white straight men" are a group who have not been systematically oppressed along any of those three lines within the USA at any point.

The idea that someone can only make creative comment on their own social group though is I think a very badly misjudged one though I would say and again I think comes from the more tokenistic side of establishment liberal politics. The idea that women should only be making films about womens issues I would say is clearly wrong, many of the best films made by women directors actually comment more about male expereince.
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Wah wah wah, woke this, woke that. Won't people think of all the racism against white people! Some of you need a safe space, some tampex to dry your tears and stop being such whiny little turds. Bringing up a movie about gay cowboys and how it would be ruined today is absolute hilarity. Who cares. Watch it or don't. Go watch Barry or Mr Inbetween or Reservation Dogs instead. All are a much better time investment.

I gave up on GRRM a few years ago, it was the healthiest thing to do emotionally.

Now if he ever publishes TWOW and a Dream of Spring I'll be pleasantly surprised and can finish the series.

But I have no expectation that TWOW will ever be published.

A small part of me will always root for GRRM to pull off the impossible but at this point, it doesn't really matter to me. I don't think I have the fortitude to get back into the series. I'll have to re-read the first 5 books if TWOW is ever released (mid to late 2022 at best) and that's a tall order. I do still perversely enjoy the drama whenever GRRM posts a blog update. The odds of Dream of Spring coming out are as good as no one on Sherdog crying about "wokeness" ever again.
Wah wah wah, woke this, woke that. Won't people think of all the racism against white people! Some of you need a safe space, some tampex to dry your tears and stop being such whiny little turds. Bringing up a movie about gay cowboys and how it would be ruined today is absolute hilarity. Who cares. Watch it or don't. Go watch Barry or Mr Inbetween or Reservation Dogs instead. All are a much better time investment.

Unfortunately there is a significant part of Sherdog that basically view all media though that lens, even when they arent directly commenting on it you can tell it obviously informs their preferences.
A small part of me will always root for GRRM to pull off the impossible but at this point, it doesn't really matter to me. I don't think I have the fortitude to get back into the series. I'll have to re-read the first 5 books if TWOW is ever released (mid to late 2022 at best) and that's a tall order. I do still perversely enjoy the drama whenever GRRM posts a blog update. The odds of Dream of Spring coming out are as good as no one on Sherdog crying about "wokeness" ever again.

I tend to think the problems the show had are probably the same ones Martin is dealing with, having to collapse down a narrative towards and end rather than ever expand it and having to use characters designed for one role within another. I wouldnt say its just a case of laziness as he has obviously produced other books in the meantime but those books don't have to deal with those issues.
This should be better than GoT since D&D aren't involved. Can't wait.
I'll for sure give it a shot. I hope the main focus is just entertainment, and not a message.
The annoying part is the writers shouldve been doing their jobs and writing a better season for the 8th one. But all their ideas was all over the place and they didn't have enough time to actually put it together, like it should've been 9 seasons. Could've put their money to good use, instead of wasting the time for no good justifiable reason.
well I agree that it ahould have been 9 seasons or at least a longer 8th season but I will disagree that they didn't have a enough time because they even took off like 2 years to write 8 episodes they had like 24 or more months or more to write that crap.