From car crash to sub-5-minute mile log.


Black Belt
Dec 1, 2013
Reaction score
5 weeks removed from a T-bone car accident caused by a distracted red-light runner. Week 4 (last week) got the MRI done which showed 5 bulging disc in my back. 3 lower cervical and 2 lower lumbar. Due to the physical intensity of my full-time job I've been out of work so living in the gym. My current routine is swim in the morning, rehab/treatment mid-day, and then light jogging in the evening.

Being in the gym so much recently has motivated me to attempt to break the 5-minute mile by the end of this year. I have only broken 5 minutes once about 12 years ago when I was early college age. Never did track but I have competed in both MMA/Kickboxing and have worked in the health and wellness field the last 15 years, so I haven't had a stretch of being out of shape. For the last 15 years I've probably averaged 10 miles a week (mostly via sprints) and weights 3x a week.

Going to try to get a baseline mile done on the track sometime in April and then go from there.

I will also be grinding good quarter mile and half mile times to help condition for the mile so I would also like to break 60 seconds for the 400m and 2:30 for the half mile all by the end of the Summer. This will also help this log be a little more interesting because I'll be updating my quarter mile and half mile splits along with my mile time.

I hope you guys enjoy this log and I look forward to getting back to 100% health.
Found a decent track near my house so going to start grinding more outside. Was able to do 1:17 for the 400m and 2:56 for the 800m. Going to swap some of the morning swims with outside track running since it has been a little tricky physically trying to run in the evening when I've already swam and gone to rehab for the day. Currently in the low 180s, would like to reach 170lbs while keeping most of my muscle. Don't think under 170lb is possible unless I started losing significant amounts of muscle (170lbs at 5'9 would basically be the leanness you'd find in most LWs)