Opinion Donald Trump wants to control the Justice Department and FBI. His allies have a plan

You don’t really need to disband them. We’ve watched more moderate republicans leave Congress already; you just need to elect enough MAGA loyalists to rubber stamp whatever Trump wants and refuse to impeach or remove him no matter what he does. We’ve seen hints of that already.
Dude, enough. You know that what you pretend to fear is an impossibility, given the American political structure. You cried wolf in 2016, and nothing happened. Now you're trying to play the same game, and people aren't buying it. No, big scary Trump will not become dictator for life if he wins. He'll run into the same walls he ran into in his first term, unless people think Biden and his admin suck so bad that they give Trump super majorities in both the House and the Senate.

You just sound like a doomer. Get your "The End Is Nigh!" sign, and be done with it. Your bullshit fear mongering isn't convincing anyone but other Leftists who think the world will end if they don't get their way. Get another script. This shit is played out.
Dude, enough. You know that what you pretend to fear is an impossibility, given the American political structure. You cried wolf in 2016, and nothing happened. Now you're trying to play the same game, and people aren't buying it. No, big scary Trump will not become dictator for life if he wins. He'll run into the same walls he ran into in his first term, unless people think Biden and his admin suck so bad that they give Trump super majorities in both the House and the Senate.

You just sound like a doomer. Get your "The End Is Nigh!" sign, and be done with it. Your bullshit fear mongering isn't convincing anyone but other Leftists who think the world will end if they don't get their way. Get another script. This shit is played out.

What if Trump puts people in power that won't stop him from trying what he did his first term? He has openly said that's what he wants.
That's what has people concerned.
What if Trump puts people in power that won't stop him from trying what he did his first term?
What positions? What people? Dude appointed judges all around the country that were supposedly "MAGA", and nothing happened and they ruled against him routinely.

This time, though! Be afraid!

GTFO with this tired ass shit. Nobody is buying it.
You cried wolf in 2016, and nothing happened.
He'll run into the same walls he ran into in his first term
Multiple contacts between his campaign and Russian agents, not to mention obstruction of justice, were confirmed by the Mueller and Senate Intelligence Committee Reports. As far as illegal acts during his term they led to two Impeachments.

Thankfully there were enough key elected officials that refused to help him overturn the election, not least of which was his own VP, but in the following years efforts have been made to replace those people with loyalists and TR7MP has literally taken over the RNC.
Dude, enough. You know that what you pretend to fear is an impossibility, given the American political structure. You cried wolf in 2016, and nothing happened. Now you're trying to play the same game, and people aren't buying it. No, big scary Trump will not become dictator for life if he wins. He'll run into the same walls he ran into in his first term, unless people think Biden and his admin suck so bad that they give Trump super majorities in both the House and the Senate.

You just sound like a doomer. Get your "The End Is Nigh!" sign, and be done with it. Your bullshit fear mongering isn't convincing anyone but other Leftists who think the world will end if they don't get their way. Get another script. This shit is played out.

“Trump may have tried to illegally throw out thousands of votes and stolen boxes of classified info and shared it with randos, but he didn’t start a full-on nuclear Holocaust! Suck it, lib!” <lol>
What a clown you are.

If you can’t wrap your mind around the fact that it’s not the legislation that Congress may pass that is the main concern here, then you’re truly hopeless. If you can’t understand that the things I’m pointing out can hardly be called fear-mongering when some of them are already happening, you’re beyond reason.
But I won’t waste anymore words on you. I’ve long m known you to be mostly clueless about US government, and you seem just as ignorant of world history.

“Trump may have tried to illegally throw out thousands of votes and stolen boxes of classified info and shared it with randos, but he didn’t start a full-on nuclear Holocaust! Suck it, lib!” <lol>
What a clown you are.

If you can’t wrap your mind around the fact that it’s not the legislation that Congress may pass that is the main concern here, then you’re truly hopeless. If you can’t understand that the things I’m pointing out can hardly be called fear-mongering when some of them are already happening, you’re beyond reason.
But I won’t waste anymore words on you. I’ve long m known you to be mostly clueless about US government, and you seem just as ignorant of world history.
Account bet that if Trump wins, he won't become a dictator and you'll be going to polls in 2028 to decide the next President all the same, and all this pathetic doomer shit will be laughable.

I know it's a ways out, but accept the bet if you truly believe the hysterical nonsense you're spewing. No long winded tap dancing wall of text. Just a simple yes or no will suffice.
Account bet that if Trump wins, he won't become a dictator and you'll be going to polls in 2028 to decide the next President all the same, and all this pathetic doomer shit will be laughable.

I know it's a ways out, but accept the bet if you truly believe the hysterical nonsense you're spewing. No long winded tap dancing wall of text. Just a simple yes or no will suffice.
Lmao “a ways out”??
You want us to wait through the entirety of a possible 4-year presidential term to see if he “becomes a dictator” at any point in that 4 years, and then bet our accounts on it? Literally a bet that could take 5 years to figure out who won??

Did someone drop you on your head?
A simple yes or no will suffice.
Lmao “a ways out”??
You want us to wait through the entirety of a possible 4-year presidential term to see if he “becomes a dictator” at any point in that 4 years, and then bet our accounts on it? Literally a bet that could take 5 years to figure out who won??

Did someone drop you on your head?
A simple yes or no will suffice.
Dick tuck noted. I'm shocked, I tells ya.
LOL. “Take an account bet that could take 5 years to resolve, otherwise you’re a coward!”
Yes. You won't even stake your friggin' Sherdog account on a bet that won't be resolved for years. That's how "confident" you are in all the doomer bullshit you're spewing. You seem pretty damn sure that you know exactly what's gonna happen if scary Trump gets elected, yet when challenged to put even a tiny bit of conviction behind those words, you run and make excuses as to why you won't.

Thanks for confirming what I've been saying about you. You don't actually believe the shit you're saying. If you did, you'd take the bet. You know you're full of shit.
Yes. You won't even stake your friggin' Sherdog account on a bet that won't be resolved for years. That's how "confident" you are in all the doomer bullshit you're spewing. You seem pretty damn sure that you know exactly what's gonna happen if scary Trump gets elected, yet when challenged to put even a tiny bit of conviction behind those words, you run and make excuses as to why you won't.

Thanks for confirming what I've been saying about you. You don't actually believe the shit you're saying. If you did, you'd take the bet. You know you're full of shit.
We both know you’d never agree that Trump was a dictator no matter what he did.

I’ll admit it would be a pretty epic troll if you could actually get some dumb bastard to agree to a years-long bet where you just keep stringing them along—but anyone with an IQ over 80 sees what you’re trying to do, bud.

Classic Heretic: dumb, grandstanding troll.
We both know you’d never agree that Trump was a dictator no matter what he did.
How many excuses is that now?
I’ll admit it would be a pretty epic troll if you could actually get some dumb bastard to agree to a years-long bet where you just keep stringing them along—but anyone with an IQ over 80 sees what you’re trying to do, bud.
What am I trying to do? What would I string you along with? It either happens or it doesn't. All I did was offer you a bet about all the shit you're saying coming true. You lifted your skirt and ran away. End of story. You have absolutely no confidence(not even risking a social media account level) in what you're saying. That much is clear.

You're just full of shit, and I proved it. Now you're flailing around trying to escape that fact. That's all that's going on here. You obviously don't actually believe Donald Trump will become a dictator and end democracy in America if he's elected.
This is the ideology of Trumpism. The world is unfair, and you don't fit in. You don't get what you want and you are generally unhappy with the world because your place in it doesn't fulfill you

So 'Trumpism' is just progressivism?