Law 10 year old American child confesses to killing someone for no reason, can't be charged

That kid knew enough to know that when he pulled the trigger, it would kill that man

Most serial killers start off torturing and killing cats or dogs as kids…

This kid just jumped right in

In fact, it would not be surprising if the kid had taken the gun previously and shot animals before this

And he had zero remorse

Pure sociopath
You can say that the kid is a prodigy
This. No reason why the adult who owned the gun can’t be charged for this. Make them pay for their stupidity and the loss of this man’s life.
If those guys parents got locked up for school shooti g this parents should be locked up and him
The person that let the gun where the kid could get it needs to be changed.

The kid is a sociopath will kill again. He sounds like the type of person who has no sense of guilt.

I would say he needs to be committed for life in some kind of institution.
Maybe the grandpa could raise him to be a serial killer that only kills other serial killers.
Serious issues imo. With the kid being that young, I would opt for institutional therapy until an adult. I get any of the answers posted.

What do we do with crazy people like this?

In ideal world even of child get locked up for years in a place for -young- crazy people he can't leave, with bunch of experts in the field trying to study his case and guess when/if can be fixed and released into society

It's core problem of how in the west we over-value the rights and freedom of single individual, while logic would suggest the danger he represent to society should be considered greater than the need of guarantee him individual rights

This apply to this bizzarre story but also to 999999 other cases
Too many times shit happens because our retarded philosophy ignore whatever amount of red flags and take action only when innocent blood is on the ground

We lock the grandfather up for a long, long time, that's what should happen.
This would only punish the old man for being a shit gun owner, but does nothing to punish the little murderer
Would be less than half justice

The best one can probably hope for at this point is that the kid kills again and gets busted for it, but this time the victim happens to be a fellow societal shitstain who deserves it. That would simultaneously rid the world of two undesirables.
You're likely right under pragmatic pov, but reality is statistically is way more probable if he kill again he will kill normal person rather than some scum that deserve it, because first group far outnumber second

Sure chance is slighty balanced by the fact despite numbers in society shit attract shit, but still not a bet any reasonable gambler would do

Even if was 50/50 (and i doubt it is) would still be extremely retarded risk for an advanced world justice system
Anybody remember when that black kid stabbed that white kid in Indiana like 10 years ago?

Just went up and stuck him with a knife
Little blonde kid bled out

They were both like nine... black kid did no time
People threaten me with death all the time, but I have to admit it would hit differently if I knew the person shot someone when they were 7.
Most gun owners have unlocked guns sitting around. I don't get the hoopla about the gun being taken. You could dig around in every other house for 5 minutes and probably find an unlocked firearm. Just because this old guy happened to be someone who had their gun taken doesn't mean his behavior was much worse than many men's.
No need for annual exam and home checks for gun owners amiright?
Most gun owners have unlocked guns sitting around. I don't get the hoopla about the gun being taken. You could dig around in every other house for 5 minutes and probably find an unlocked firearm. Just because this old guy happened to be someone who had their gun taken doesn't mean his behavior was much worse than many men's.
I think some of the "hoopla" is probably related to kids accessing the gun and shooting themselves or someone else. Many states found that problematic enough to create laws against being such a dumbfuck gun owner. A few states have made gun safes tax exempt in order to encourage responsible storage of guns.

I keep most of my guns in a safe, but I do have a couple that are easily accessible. The difference is that I have no reasonable expectation that a child could access them since I have no children living with me. If I was taking care of someone else's kid then all guns would be under lock and key.
That's a bit like asking "what do you do with a child who, at 7, is given access to the nuke button and chooses to press it in total ignorance".

I don't know, what do you do with a child victim of such a ludicrous situation?

Obviously the grandfather need never see the light of day again for ending one life and ruining another, but as for the child? How does anyone ever get beyond that? Many would double down, but really, a lifelong commitment to psychological treatment? Let's be real, they can't ever live a normal life, so I guess that's the best you can do. Tell them none of it was their fault, try to make amends, it's not going to be easy.

This doesn't sound like an ignorant kid who was playing with a gun and accidentally shot someone. He stole the gun, murdered someone, left the scene and returned the gun, all without ever telling anyone. He's 10 now and is threatening to kill another student in class. This sounds like a psychopath to me or someone who is on the path.

I remember being 7. Maybe I didn't fully comprehend the significance of death but had I shot a gun at someone and they dropped dead I would have been freaked out and ran to my parents. I was already playing cops and robbers with my older brothers at that age.
Most gun owners have unlocked guns sitting around. I don't get the hoopla about the gun being taken. You could dig around in every other house for 5 minutes and probably find an unlocked firearm. Just because this old guy happened to be someone who had their gun taken doesn't mean his behavior was much worse than many men's.

That's like arguing most drunk drivers don't kill someone so what's so bad about the ones who do.
This doesn't sound like an ignorant kid who was playing with a gun and accidentally shot someone. He stole the gun, murdered someone, left the scene and returned the gun, all without ever telling anyone. He's 10 now and is threatening to kill another student in class. This sounds like a psychopath to me or someone who is on the path.

I remember being 7. Maybe I didn't fully comprehend the significance of death but had I shot a gun at someone and they dropped dead I would have been freaked out and ran to my parents. I was already playing cops and robbers with my older brothers at that age.

For what it's worth, I don't have any issues with that kid spending an indefinite period in psychiatric care if that's the reality of the situation. Prosecuted, even.

The grandfather, or anyone in these instances, should be prosecuted to the fullest regardless of what happens to the child.

I'd be very careful with trying a 7 year old as an adult, but it's not totally unprecedented, and as more information comes to light it might be completely appropriate. There was the James Bulger killing where two 10 year olds were tried as adults here in the UK, though sentences were very lenient, ultimately. The starting assumption has to be that the kid didn't understand the implications of their actions and 'is just a child', and as long as it starts there, it's all down to the individual circumstances to dictate the outcome. I don't think people on the internet are really equipped to dictate that, but yeah, if it transpires the kid is a Michael Myers, keep him away from the public.
Most gun owners have unlocked guns sitting around.

Those people should sort their shit out and start being responsible adults, then. If people aren't capable and something goes wrong, they'll be responsible to the courts, even if they weren't grown up enough to be responsible to their own selves.

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